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Everything posted by Blueangelman36

  1. Also funny to see sAPD understand the struggles of the civ and new civs on the server. How many complaints have you gotten specifically about jets? Do you talk to lots of people when you play civ @Zeuse? That still seems like a fair reason. If I heard a jet fly over me you better believe I'm outta there long before you have time to land at HQ and return
  2. Not at all. If anything I would view it as a weakness to APD because even if you saw illegal activity in a redzone you'd have to wait 15 minutes before returning unless the rules were re-written. You can't get bounties going 1400kph. You can't shoot anything and they're loud as hell so everyone knows your coming from 4k away
  3. I fail to see the problem here that necessitates a change on the APD side. Since when it is the role of APD to make it harder for civs to scout redzones? I have yet to be presented with an argument of how an unarmed jet is overpowered as a legal vehicle other than it goes fast. Saying there's a problem without empirical evidence doesn't mean there's a problem. Remember they have no lives and dedicated hundreds of hours to have access to that gear, unalike the rest of us plebeian civilians who don't have thousands of hours on the server who deserve to be shit on Oh wait....
  4. I've gotten out of 4 or 5 tickets letting APD sit in it and take them for a spin and we've also put on many airshows for APD at main air per their request. Plus nothing like making whoever is flying the orca shit their pants every once in awhile 9/10 times they'll act on it. With sweaty people in APD who have a hard on against Noble they'll order some dep to seize it via snapchat
  5. Yeah because patrolling redzones with a ghosthawk is so much better for runs. *sees 3 N tags* HiGH GaNg ACtIVItY Its the removal of the roleplay with APD. How much evidence is there that this is an issue? Outside of Noble members I've seen 3 other jets in the air and one of them was @Grandma Gary trying to shoot me down ❤
  6. Mostly I'm going to enjoy the roleplay that comes with the jets and APD. Ive gotten out of a ticket before by letting a whole patrol sit in the cockpit, and I've always had curious officers come and take a look. We've put on airshows for APD. Why ruin that by making us shoot first ask questions later with these? I don't think they're a major hindrance to APD being able to do their job outside of rare circumstances and I don't think there's a good reason to have them. Also my name is Blueangelman36, im named after a jet demonstration team and I have jets in all my profile pictures. Did you forsee me reacting any other way?
  7. Well removing incentive for one of the largest money sinks on the server (i can personally attest to this) is a great way to disincentive them.
  8. Because making the most useless and expensive vehicle in the game illegal when it has no utility other than "it goes fast and has the same camera as the hellcat" is a pretty stupid reason to make it illegal. You'd be thick to expect no pushback. All sAPD wants to see is people run sand.
  9. Someone understands me!
  10. Hellcat with no doors has miniguns on the side yet mine has been impounded by APD several times Untrue. I fly jets the most on this server and this is not true. Because of the cost youre much more focused on not crashing.
  11. Probably because civilians can't do anything in jets and aren't limited by the APD rules like wave rule and 15 minute redzone timers? I'm curious why you're trying to take the APD and civs to the same "level" when we can't buy ghawks as we see fit.
  12. Yeah sorry if the jet is the only legal vehicle that civs have access to that can remain impervious to your Mar10 you always use and the Ghosthawk you always patrol in
  13. Ah now we find the reason he suggested making jets illegal. Butthurt.
  14. Okay for the record I was joking about this. I was making the point that if youre going to make a jet illegal, at least give a good reason for them to be illegal, like them carrying bombs. Hence why after I said "okay seriously" implying in standard English I was joking
  15. Saying there's a problem without empirical evidence also doesn't mean there's a problem
  16. I fail to see any kind of problem with jets. They arent utilities, if they were you'd see a lot more rich people with them. Millennium is right, rare to see any blackfish out now
  17. No but I think making jets illegal when they have visible weapons that don't work is equally stupid
  18. Comparing the racing single prop plane to a jet is like comparing Rabid to Tom Brady
  19. The jet is armed with weapons we cannot use. What kind of argument is this?! Also there's an easy way to solve that (with the DLC jets) nd that's use the stealth versions!
  20. Can we get armed jets now at least? But like seriously, why are jets now illegal? They have zero lethality, they just flex. Like - at what point in the conversation was it decided "yes the best way to add balance to the server is to make the actual most useless vehicle illegal" I have every single jet on the server and I've killed more people with a hatchback. #MakeHatchbacksIllegal
  21. Ah, that actually makes more sense. Appreciate the clarification.
  22. This is normal in the state he lives in. They'd b concerned if he wasn't doing this at some point.
  23. I'd argue that as the head of APD and being a part of OS you've done a hell of a lot more to ruin the Olympus community than Noble. I personally don't understand why staff and sAPD is blaming a particular gang for "ruining the server" because as long as we've been a part of the community we have been a hell of a lot less influential on the server than you have been. You only don't like us because we call you out on your bullshit. Biggest meme of 2020 right here tbh.
  24. You're welcome to join!
  25. Mfw when I see who's glad Suwoop is gone...
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