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Everything posted by Blueangelman36

  1. I knew I logged back on for the first time in a year today for a reason. All the best and godspeed. Found this in my youtube folder today: @ Noble Miss you dude glad you're killing it here!
  2. Selling the DP23 shed. Yes, that one. PM or post best offers.
  3. About time tbh
  4. @ Headless let's make this happen please
  5. Shed is still open if you need shine money to fund your initial investments
  6. Unfortunately, no. The days of the players you mentioned (Bow and Trumper will always have a soft spot for me) are behind Olympus. Having played back then running 501st and then starting Noble a few years later, I can say the servers best days are probably in the rear view mirror. Cartels are still active and decent but the days of robbing or exciting fed events are probably behind. I'd encourage you to check out the blackwater armory if you want to try something new but at this point just wait to see if Arma IV comes out.
  7. throwback to when you wanted to quit the server after you lost all your money miss ya bud
  8. This is a post I wasn't sure was ever going to come. Even though you're stepping away from Olympus, I'm not sad because I don't think we will be stepping away from each other anytime soon. You joined 501st at a weird time and stepped up perfectly to fill the holes we were missing in Bots (whew throwback) and became the biggest driving factor in making Noble what it became. I don't think either of us realized it at the time during those late night strategy sessions, loosing 50 man BWs, or working on our roleplay excel sheets (which I still use as an example to show how roleplay Noble was) that while we were working to build Noble, we were building a genuine friendship too. Of all the things I took away from Olympus, that was the biggest value and your friendship is one of the closest I have on this server, and something I'll always value (even more than the DP 23 shed). It's amazing how far you've come over these last few years. From an excited kid to a jaded mod, your persistence has never ceased to amaze me. The server is loosing one of its most dedicated members today. The amount of work you put into Noble, Civ Council, Mod application v1 and v2, APD, the Wiki, everything you do you charge headfirst into and kill it. Looking forward to seeing what you decide to do next in life and know I'll be rooting for you from the sidelines, and of course only a phone call away if you're ever bored and want to chat with ol' Boomer Blue. Long Live Noble Although we have a lot of memories on Oly, this might still be my favorite:
  9. +1 to this. Thanks for bringing it up, especially in this community
  10. #TeamCheese
  11. I mean go for it man. Fair warning it takes a lot of work to get anything changed in here. There are big personalities on staff and Civ Council doesn't have a ton of authority. If you want to start I'd recommend support team to become intimately familiar with the rules and a civ council spot and go from there. Don't forget to join APD and R&R as well. Don't forget though: this is just a game. I spent some time pouring my life into this game and building it up but now that I'm out I'm glad I'm not doing that anymore. I like having a real life (roasts welcome at that last comment)
  12. Damn another old timer, love to see it. Wb man
  13. Lost a good one today
  14. I think you misspelled cement and glass runs
  15. o7. Miss the days pushing into Sofia and the only person to get my undercover name references. Good luck with the new gig!
  16. I feel personally attacked
  17. Circle jerk time - the best part of Noble was the people. Did we suck? Yes. Did we loose a 40 man BW? You fucking bet we did. But we had a ton of fun. There was limited drama and personal vendetta in the gang, it was cool people who enjoyed playing together. That's what kept the gang together and what kept me playing for so long. Looking back with our senior team, we often talk about how we miss playing on olympus but the conversation quickly shifts to "well I really don't miss arguing with staff or spending half my day in support, or nitpicking over the rules with OS" Olympus is ultimately a business, but its being run like a mafia. We had someone get permed (and their appeals fall on deaf ears) after having a very unfortunate fail RP moment (tried to Sui vest the gang, ended up killing 9 noble members and not a single APD member) and hes still permed. But a developer makes a map that allows them to cheat? Oh its fine. When you raise these issues with top leadership you're told "oh you just don't know them like I do" which is correct, because they aren't slobbering on my knob to keep their position. If you're not in your out, and they'll continue to push people away while moving the goalposts to continue to justify their own success
  18. This is what happens when you have a successful gang on Olympus that's able to push up against the existing power structures while remaining outside of it. People hate you, they shit on you, and you get targeted by OS and sAPD because you have some clout. When Noble was the hot girl on campus, we were constantly targeted. We had staff spawn in gear to blow our shed up, would be hunted down by the awesome map DB players had, had sAPD members camp our shed and houses for hours, and when I say hours I mean hours. When we tried to fight back, our player reports would be ignored and the players would be unbanned in minutes. So we pushed further, started new gangs and owned new sheds. Rules were implemented in a matter of days to stop us. Ultimately, Olympus is dying. If it has to be dying is a discussion for another thread. But Olympus is realistically down to one server and they've resorted to reduced bans and unbanning people who were permed. New players are run off the server by the established player base. If that isn't grasping at straws idk what is This. This is beautiful.
  19. I'm sorry we have superior tactics. But for real, Noble is inactive and some of the members joined other gangs. When we get on every once in awhile, we want to play with our friends. Rather than make them leave the gang they're in or have some complex af engagement, its easier to just have everyone put the same tags on. If we had a long engagement message we'd have others in here complaining about not having time to read the whole message (complaints we've had before - some even got a 3 day for it). Once you start shooting at someone with a tag in their name, you're engaged with all of them. Easy. Just be glad you weren't here when a fully staffed Noble was running four gangs at a time, each with different wars and one that was a vigi gang (oh yeah and four sheds on server 1). The amount of complaints we got (and people we got banned for RDM) was through the fucking roof. You could have been at war with Noble and Fuck Noble but not Nooble or Narcos, all of which ran N tags. I miss those days sometimes. Yeah the system is abused as fuck but it's the least worst option IMO Agreed but like welcome to Olympus kid. *insert outstanding move meme here*
  20. Having so much money and resources you don't have to care anymore. Lost a hawk? Who cares, got more. Lost an AT? WHO CARES HAVE MORE
  21. You can't "drive past" a cartel that has a dead end road, and if you're referring to people getting shot out of helis or titaned, many people use titans or shoot at helicopters that drive by there. It just seems easiest to identify on the map the KOS zone just like we do with warzone and every other redzone on the map, including federal events. Mostly my fear are inconsistent rulings from admins. If there's just "common sense" or "obviousness" to drive it, it basically gives the admin free reign to rule on it however they want. You indicated a zone in this post, and anyone who is curious about how far they'd have to go to avoid the cartel would have to come into this thread and find your specific post. Why not avoid all that pain in confusion with a red line or identified KOS zone like we do with *every other KOS zone on the server*
  22. Can this be confirmed and put in as a rule, or a visual indicator on the map? It seems very easy to clarify.
  23. Excuse me hes my true love I'd be the first to object!
  24. You ask, I deliver.
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