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  1. hey man i want my money back im not pleased at all the server is full of rdm, corrupt cops so im tired i donated for the rewards and to help  but im done every problem ive had here never gets resolved im done i want my money back i have rights to get it back


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Willski


      So you donated to a server before playing on it? Like wouldn't you of known about all this stuff if you actually played on it? Seems like you want your money back because your mom found out about it. Also what rewards are you wanting?

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Donations are non-refundable. Like Grandma Gary said. If you attempt to get your money back you will get a permanent vacation from Olympus. 

    4. Fat Clemenza
  2. hey whats the admin name

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      If you want access to the VIP forums or to have your own private TS channel, then you need to donate $250. Don't get on my case for not being at your every beck and call. I was busy getting an education so I can contribute to society later on in life. I've not the time to listen to your every complaint. As Will said beforehand, wait for a response on your ticket instead of whining to someone who can't fix your problem in the first place. Boy am I glad I found your real age before your APD interview. Saved me a lot of trouble. Jesus Christthenight. 

    3. ComradeGoonie


      @Fat ClemenzaRIP R&R if Moob hadn't shown up. R&R<3APD

    4. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      I was the one who dimed him off to you and Dez, Goonie. Give a brotha some credit.

  3. HEY I donated yet no able to go into donator room 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Not at me. Take your problem elsewhere. I've already said to speak with an Admin. They can help you.

    3. Xgeneral_shadowX


      weres the admin i dont know his name and i did put a ticket and didt receive any messages soo

      give me his name

    4. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      www.olympus-entertainment.com/support - new request - general inquiry. Submit your ticket there. Thank you. 

  4. dude ive been grinding hours for the past 3 days. all day and night what isent it registering my hours properly

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. FluffyTEDDY


      You drove beige Hitchcock, ran over 2 officers, got told to get out of the car or be tazed, you continue to drive, you get tazed and then you combatlog, got you on video bro, only thing i have to do is submit it 

      Hatchback **

    3. Fat Clemenza
    4. Xgeneral_shadowX


      i dont remember running over 2 officers 

      and i only drive suv

  5. hey how do i check my hours theres just a graph i wanna just check in total

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fat Clemenza
    3. Xgeneral_shadowX


      who asshole all i asked is that cause thats what u told me

      o sorry i didnt read all the messages


      AND i did the player stats but all it shows i a graph not a certain spot were it tells all together

    4. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Put your mouse over the graph and you can see the exact time

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