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Genghis Khan

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Posts posted by Genghis Khan

  1. 3 hours ago, n e m o said:

    It cant shoot past 200m unless you're very skilled with it, only sniper type gun is MAR10, although mk1 is still a good sniper if you're a decent shot

    Nigga it shoots as far as you want it to. It is a subsonic weapon and the scopes in the server are made for supersonic bullets. But if you are like me and Have a Dms or 5 you can actually fuck shit up with the ASP if you sight it in correctly. 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Darren Nsonowa said:

    My friend was sacrificed by tree and he was hella mad cuz he had some expensive ass loadout on him. I mean, unless the person is atleast 10% consenting it should be considered FailRP. Say I have a mar-10 and tree wants to have fun, decides to execute me with my mar-10 and i go cry in a corner for a few hours. that aint cool dawg

    Thats life and this is a life server, Libtard 

    • Haha 1
  3. 18 minutes ago, HunterBklyn said:

    @Genghis Khan Sorry to hear about the motorcycle crash. I hope you made a fast recovery.

    Thanks, Im pretty much good, Its not limiting my mobility at all. Just a lot of new skin. 

    Looks like I have Eczema, or low plaque psoriasis.  :FeelsBad:


  4. 2 minutes ago, McDili said:

    Naw they aren't lock on, takes skill to use and is rare!

    Good point I didnt even think take in consideration of how rare they are. & thank you for your good input. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Jesse said:

    That's me you fuck. I could afford a headset, I bought a new one cuz mine was shit.

    Kurt's also going to school for a Doctorate degree, has a g/f, and living on his own. I would assume his headset is low on the priority list of things to waste money on.

    LMFAO I thought he was a bummy nigga. and how tf hes supposed to make money in Canada as a doctor? Isnt that shit free? :Kappa:

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    • Hmm 1
  6. Wait a phat fucking minute.

    if that is "Kurt" at the end of the video. The nigga looks old enough to be able to support a family. He cant buy a $40 head set? 

    And all you dumb fucks are pressing f to respect a man that should have a job... But cant afford a head set... You all are dumb as fuck.

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