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Genghis Khan

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Posts posted by Genghis Khan

  1. After 4 months of not playing, and coming back to do something like this it just butters my biscuit. 

    I was going to wait and put it in a memetage but this is just so glorious I believe it can stand alone.  


    • Like 5
    • Haha 7
  2. 11 hours ago, Ryan said:

    What the fuck, first Dili and Jesse now you? Genghis you were always one of the real ones, you never took anyone’s shit. Apply that shit irl and you will get further then just the powerball my friend. o7 my guy, hope to still see you around from time to time. 

    P.S. sorry for banning you the other day :( 

    I cried. <3


    11 hours ago, Hylos said:

    o7 man I remember when I first joined and mainly played with you piner and lou that shit was lit. I miss those days and I wish we could go back to them. Stay real like you always have been and I hope everything works out in your favor bro

    Isnt it funny that your best times in Tree were my worst. Imagine how much you would of loved it if we together when I first joined.   


    11 hours ago, Deadpool said:

    Ill come down to see you some time and fuck off with that shit it was all fake 

    Im off today you want to do something? Lmao

    11 hours ago, Ignis said:

    The conspiracy lmao o7


    8 hours ago, Isaac Newton said:

    Bunched me in with Suki as taking medic too seriously lol, that's cute man. Trolling until the end.  Or just salty until the end. Idk

    I guess you didn't see me retire a few months ago, nor have you played with me to actually get to know me (which I don't blame you, usually I avoid the special snowflakes). I'm the last person to take shit seriously in this community anymore. 

    But yeah, bye I guess. See ya in a week

    More like memeing, But I like how you call me a snow flake and cry about being pared with Suki. Lmao and to think Im salty for getting black listed on medic is just uproarious. And you will only see me on the forums, Arma 3 is deleted.


    7 hours ago, Millennium said:

    o7 man, never really talked to ya but i still remember watching one of your memetages for the first time, then finding out u had more and watched every single one. Those videos gave me mad respect for ya


    7 hours ago, MAV said:

    O7 bro, though I only had limited exposure to you, your memetages are gold and your real af.. a trait that most have lost nowadays...

    Stay golden pony boy..see ya around

     Keep it 100 B) 

    • Sad 1
  3. Please allow me to introduce myself
    I'm a man of wealth and taste
    I've been around for a long, long year
    Stole many a man's soul to waste

    And I was 'round when Jesus Christ
    Had his moment of doubt and pain
    Made damn sure that Pilate
    Washed his hands and sealed his fate

    Pleased to meet you
    Hope you guess my name

  4. 3 minutes ago, Trump24 said:

    Yo weaboo with shity hair i think i dont know u cant use the large boxes every heard of a joke lel 

    Do you not know what Satire is? 

    Take the bus to middle school and learn something.

    little fuck

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