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Everything posted by Succccc

  1. The chains and bars, maybe she's just into some weird shit? Just an idea.
  2. Succccc

    more cops

    Be my guest, apply.
  3. Who?
  4. What the hell is humidity?! I live in nor cal, where there is no such thing as humidity! ( jk, I lived in the south for half of my life )
  5. How am I supposed to see it if its white? I wasn't looking for it.
  6. 01000100 01100101 01111010 00100000 01110000 01101100 01100101 01100001 01110011 01100101 00100000 01100011 01101111 01101101 01100101 00100000 01101000 01101111 01101101 01100101 00101110 = Dez please come home. Check, your gonna need to step up your game dude. Binary is just cheesy.
  7. Of CoUrSe, KnOwLeDgE iS pOwEr...
  8. If you do runs for 6 hours, you could make that money pretty easily.
  9. That sucks. Make that a lesson, never make bets that Poseidon won't let you deliver on.
  10. @Dezree didn't you promise him a custom taxi skin???
  11. Is this really still relevant people? 2014 No, it's not.
  12. Haha! Why?! This shouldn't be happening...
  13. Thanks! I appreciate the first bit of good feedback! I will try to add that into my daily routine.
  14. right..... any other ideas?
  15. As an APD officer, I am always looking for things to improve on. If anybody has seen me in game as an officer, I would appreciate some feedback. This can include RP, combat, civilian interaction, and interaction with officers. Thanks!
  16. I love those new APD uniforms
  17. Shut up and take my money...
  18. Today I tried to check my stats for the first time in about a week. I got my PID and went to the player stats page. To my suprise, the text box to put in my PID wasn't there. It doesn't work on my mobile devices either. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
  19. Dez, whatever you do... don't go home...
  20. Not gold bars, but gold watches
  21. I like the timing on when my game crashed and the flash exploded. Never mind, it looked to me at first that my game crashed right then. But it crashed before the video started! Wow.... I'm smart
  22. I know! I was waiting for them to all point guns at me and take me hostage! Thankfully I did not get robbed of my shiny blue uniform.
  23. Haha! At least they are not all wanna be cops!
  24. Over the past week I have noticed vigis changing alot. A month ago you could find maybe one, or two vigis in kavala square just chilling. But today I see packs of them. Six, seven, even eight vigis in a group with one "leader" that tells them what to do. And its like whenever I go to the square, the surround me! Almost as if they are drooling over the thought of my shiny blue uniform... Anyone have any idea why they do this?
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