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Young Mogul

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Everything posted by Young Mogul

  1. yeah your mean
  2. it symbols emphasis
  4. I'm high lol, same armor tho so in reality I was talking about the armor of them which they provided none so from my perspective if it doesn't provide extra armor then it's worth nothing, sorry I haven't played cop in a long time and remeber all this shit lol, dunno why someone would pay 400k each for a senior APD uniform that you will just die with lol
  5. Then why the fuck are you buying 2 for 400k? When you can buy 2 for like 3k at rebel
  6. Theres a reason people dont sell them, you can buy them at any rebel dingus
  7. Why the fuck would you buy 2 MPT Combat Fatigues for 400k ahaha, don't be a fucking moron
  8. MC has nothing better to do than camp kavala rebel during fights....fucking sad that one of the longest standing gangs stoops to such a low level.

  9. Dope ass idea, but it is true I dont really want to have to play with people who dont know what the fuck they are doing, we can always give it a try though...
  10. How come when I die I lose all my gang war points?

  11. Sure not mac, never heard of you lol
  12. Nice try bud, you don't even have 1 mil. You call me a random, smh
  13. Who the fuck are you? You don't even have 45 mil lmao what fuckin sell out
  14. 1. IGN: The White Tiger 2. How did you find Olympus?: Back when me and a irl friend were searching for a server. He found this one and we stuck with it, turns out is turned into this huge awesome community. 3. What is your favorite Olympus memory?: The thrill of runs 2 years back when the server was actually extremely fun to play and money and weapons were hard to come by.
  15. So whos still in or won GW's?

  16. Nobody is gonna sell to you a fuckin house. Get over it. Maybe after 9 fuckin bumps you would have gotten the idea. You bumped 3 times in 1 days lmao
  17. Lol these prices are insane, do a blackwater, you gain a couple of em each time and will be way better than what these guys are asking.
  18. Like I said they spend a large amount of time on the server. It may even be a hobby for them. I don't agree with it but some find it in their mind that they want to buy in game money. Never the less there is not rational in stealing it from them like a rat. I'm not going to sit hear and clog the forums with this nonsense. If you can't see the wrong in stealing money I can't help you.
  19. Some people massively enjoy the server, they don't have the time to make money all day, so they feel the need to buy some, I don't agree with it but there's no reason to steal it from them. Just how you said I don't care how hard people work for money shows you know nothing. Secondly, hard to believe you've been on the server for a year because I've never seen in game and you have 0 rep.
  20. I would have not done it, the fuck, I knew I would have gotten caught first of all. Second of all they stole people's hard earned money through their exploit. You don't even know the work some people go through to make money, then you continue to say the server has died? Where have you been the past 2 years. Before you say something think, it will get you a better argument. How does stealing peoples hard earned money and making a headache for a multitude of people and leaders make them good lads.... Never have even seen you on the server, let alone post....
  21. Calling them good lads, sayin their not rats.....literally duped 100mil+ the both of them and they aren't duping rats, give me a break.
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