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Everything posted by Ajax

  1. One done for the notorious @Panda :) PM me for any questions/ concerns...
  2. having half a brain implies that you would know better than to buy a 9mm gun when doing stuff that warrants the APD to pull a ghost hawk
  3. If you read the ghosthawk rules and have half a brain its not that hard to combat the ghosthawk, literally at all...
  4. Literally just don't shoot at it... it can't do anything to you if you don't do anything to it. and plus even if they are shooting at you they have to be still to get a good burst tword you leaving them a wide open target for anyone that is decent at arma... just take your time and aim for the gunners, once you get both you can make your escape.
  5. So I'm gonna post all the logos I do for clients here, If the image says FOR SALE and you want it send me a PM and we can discuss any edits you would like on it and pricing. Also PM me if you would like one of these made for you. Any suggestions or comments leave down below and I will respond ASAP
  6. Ajax

    Logo Designs

    PM me we can talk...
  7. Ajax

    Logo Designs

    Yeah i was thinking about that, I had to leave to go up to my lake house and wanted to get it out before the weekend... When I get home ill definetly fix it and reupload
  8. So I made this logo for @Homicide, If any of y'all want one just HMU and we can discuss pricing.
  9. so ur a freshie? time to have fun
  10. rolling up on somebody and when you get out of the car you sling shot into the air and die... that makes me so mad bc if you don't die initially the people you were tryna rob will then kill you
  11. Ajax


    I’ll take it, I’ll pay you at the end of the week and take the stuff in it now... but seriously I wouldn’t recommend doing this as many people will either try to scam you or think this is a scam itself. Just tryna help you out. If you need money just dump all your money in the lottery or grind on runs
  12. Do corps even still have them?
  13. I would pay 2 max
  14. Nah... no one with a lot of money usually plays s3 and if they do they sure don’t scat
  15. I’ve got a 4 crater server 1 if any of y’all wanna buy
  16. He meant FOV
  17. Not sure I really want to sell it just want to see what offers I would get for it. PM or post your best offers and i'll see if I want to sell it.
  18. Accurate
  19. How much?
  20. ill give ya a dollar
  21. I like how you edited this for spelling but it still gave me cancer trying to figure out what you said
  22. http://yorktown.dailyvoice.com/police-fire/college-student-charged-in-westchester-with-posing-as-girl-to-lure-boys/657969/ So I didnt know this but raptorr posed as a girl to lure in boys too? did some digging and found these articles lmao
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