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Everything posted by Ajax

  1. Ajax


    so is now a good time to post the clip of you lag switching me in Kavala square the first time I joined the server 8 years ago? Also where is my orca comp? In all seriousness, I had fun the few times I got to play with you. Good luck on your future endeavors.
  2. if you haven't submitted your clips... WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!??!?!


  3. Drop your best clips here to be featured


  4. Be sure to submit your best clips to


  5. Happy Easter to all my Easter celebrating Olympians. Be sure to submit your best clips to this link to be featured.


  6. Thank god someone brought this back
  7. Good morning, afternoon, evening, or whatever time it is for you. I was taking my after gym shower pondering my thoughts in hopes of finding the perfect video idea to fuel my creative mind when it hit me. Way back when we had someone, I can't exactly remember who, create a montage called "Best of Olympus" with submitted clips from the top Olympus players. Obviously Olympus has changed quite a bit, what's a better idea than to revive the "Best of Olympus" theme. I have created a google form to submit your clips to. highest quality possible is appreciated. https://forms.gle/6gpir68g27Emxs2z5 if you have any song recommendations please include them in the google form as well as a comment below so the community can give feedback. Name recommendations will also be taken as "Best of Olympus" has been used. while I might be a copy cat, I like to change the answers a little bit before turning my work in.
  8. if this isnt a chad comment idk what is...
  9. I’ve never seen this community so united.
  10. This is my official request for someone to take over the Olympus Twitter and put out some bangin content on there... maybe some funny memes or something. sounds like a job for the Wiki curators. Or maybe we should bring back the news team to take over...
  11. why is it green?

  12. I noticed that a lot of sounds seemed "broken". It sounds like my tires are screeching at all times while driving and sometimes sounds clip weird. I feel like I installed the wrong version or something.
  13. Does anyone use the JSRS sound mod? Just wanna know if its worth running or if its a waste of time installing it. seen good and bad reviews around.
  14. So you're saying if we rob someone we basically become their taxi after we take all of their money... doesn't seen right.
  15. Cheese was definetly one of the funniest people to play with.
  17. If anyone remembers what happened to boonie you will love this one
  18. bruh can we go on humming bird patrols I wanna cap someone with the zubr off the bench
  19. I recently discovered this video of mine from 2 years ago and decided to make a thread of all the funny shit that goes on in Olympus. Feel free to post whatever funny memes or stupid stuff you do. and yes i know i was cringe 2 years ago and still am now so hop off my e peen
  20. https://olympus-entertainment.com/forum/8-guides/ This is a great place to familiarlize yourself with how the server works, I also recommend reading up on the server rules
  21. HAHA i remember i bet @an overweight giant retard my entire bank account (5 mill at the time) that he couldn't combat land a heli with no engine, tail, or hull and the fucker did it but i sent all the money to the wrong person. funniest shit ever because i was losing the money regardless but he didn't get any of it.
  22. Alright boys! I’ve got a list made and I’ll reach out to you individually based on what you want. It’s in an order and I’ll be making them in that order. It could take quite a while because for each image I’m making a custom vehicle and uniform texture (some of them I’m making multiple vehicles and uniforms) just want to let you know what how I will be going about these requests.
  23. its a custom made uniform...
  24. updated version for @Slumberjack
  25. @Slumberjack lmk if you want anything changed
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