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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Maddog

  1. This brings a whole new meaning to silent shots >.>
  2. Underwater cartel for turtles please
  3. Guess that's what you get for targeting you for 30 mins
  4. Dammit Talindor >.> 35 min jail time for 200k bounty, sad times.
  5. Did somebody say go kart grand prix event?
  6. Not a clue, normally when a new update comes out on a mass scale especially with KOTH maps cause lots of animations can really test the update bug wise, so will probably be buggy for a couple days with poor optimization. Hopefully a hot fix will come out after that though. Please note that anybody that has done this fix and wishes to change their game back must go back to the properties and Beta tab, and select "None - OPT out of all BETA programs". Any problems please message!
  7. The code is definitely correct Relapse, make sure you are copying it correctly. Arma3Legacy156
  8. Hey guys, just a quick fix for people that want to get on the server now, takes only 2 mins to fix (other than update). Firstly go to steam, and right click arma 3 and go to properties. Second go the "Betas" Tab, and paste in this code "Arma3Legacy156". Then select legacy - Legacy Build 1.56. Let it update and you're done! When the server gets updated just put the legacy mode back to normal. http://clip2net.com/s/3xe9vBC Hope this helps!
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