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Posts posted by Homicide

  1. 18 minutes ago, Grandma Gary said:

    He was banned, submitted a ban appeal and had everything explained to him including why he was banned and why a 5 minute video was not required.  I already told you your ban guideline thing would be pointless exactly cause of special people like this.

    Special lol

  2. OK my friend first off Admins are Volunteers so sorry if they dont get to your ticket when u want them to they also have real lifes and families to deal with and real life problems The Admins on this server and Staff in general are great ppl. One of the best well maintained servers i have ever seen in my opinion and yea there are some aids but the community is great before u bash on Admins again take this in consideration they volunteer their time for the server and also have to deal with the 25  thousand plus memebers of this community so yea Sorry if u feel like they need to answer ur support ticket when u feel fit but its all takes time bud 

    • Like 2
  3. 4 hours ago, Keen12321 said:

    hows gang life on olympus?

    Well gang life is ok a few of us started new gangs to see if we revive it a bit I'm recruiting for Rinsing them kilos if ur interested apply in gang recruitment post of my gang pm me don't mind taking u in and showing u the ropes you'll make bank garranted and welcome to the Olympus family this community is amazing better than Asylum

    • Like 1
  4. 30 minutes ago, GHOSTK1LL3R said:

    Buff the vests improve the weapons of lower level cops and make them abide to NLR other than at federals.


    You try do a run when you're new to the server (even if there is 4-5 of you). I bet your ass you'll lose or stop the run as soon as cops come.



    Actually i play both cop and civ and i dont stop a run when cops show up beacuse im not victim stop complaing how are cops suppose to resemble a police force if we have nlr u idiot in real life if u kill a cop they are goona send the force afrer u dummy sit down stop cryn yyou fuking bot just yesterday me alone shot down armed cop plain amd 3 ghosthawks so dont give me that check my stream video is there 

    • Downvote 2
  5. 6 hours ago, KrispyK said:

    with what 1000 storage space.

    2018 APD is a bunch of pansy flowers

    Again ur also a cop makes u a pansy flower aswell

    I don't see why ppl are complaining that it's illegal an ifrit is iilegal but does it stop u from buy one no and Jeep Lim is illegal does that still keep u from buying and using one no I don't thinks so why don't everyone stop crying and deal with it buy it use it while cares and @KrispyK my friend your mind is cooked and u complain alot sit boy lol you still ma nibba

  6. 1 minute ago, MrBoonie said:

    You just a fat kid who can't rap getting your information mixed, I ain't hyping ANY one of these civ reps, except mine. 

    Fuck google & deadpool it was a meme kid. Learn your facts, fix your flow, then hit a fucking gym.

    LOL Your amusing bro 

    Just now, MAV said:

    Respect @Homicide

    Thanks Bro

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