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Posts posted by Homicide

  1. 9 hours ago, Energyyy said:

    Why does every one think they will make it on twitch?

    Why are u such a fuking hater scrub anyway who are u and yea my channel is actually gaining popularity and im working on some sponsorship from like 5 local companies so yea since i left olympus i can say this and not care GRAB A ROPE AND NECK URSELF RETARD

    2 hours ago, lou25000 said:

    as stupid as i think you are, youre a great source of entertainment. o7 will miss the rap battles and ass cracks 

    Thanks much respect man take it easy 

    • Like 3
  2. On 10/1/2018 at 10:35 PM, Doc said:

    Slow down a bit, your mouth is getting ahead of your brain on something you know very little about. Firstly no one was salty, I had nothing to do with it until the video was given to me but as McDili said, this is something we have enforced for a long time and though it does rarely happen (most players are smart enough to know not to do it) several people have been banned for it in the past. It was never written as a rule because it fell under the use common sense/exploiting sections of the rule. Now it is in writing because someone forgot the stove was hot before they touched it.  

    If ur not mad why get so defensive lol im just stating my opinion on the matter LOL I know about the situation beacuse one of the people involved is a good friend of mine so yea Hey Doc its ok all it takes is one angry admin or Senior APD to get something officially written LOL Just messing with you man dont take it personal  

  3. 17 minutes ago, Grandma Gary said:

    Houses are pretty much untouchable outside of player stupidity.   The only 2 real scenarios they can be raided is if a cop see you utilize it and you are wanted and their is a senior on or if you accidentally leave the inventory unlocked.  They can't be broken into by civs any other way so they are an extremely powerful tool for civs while also being extremely reliable.  

    This was added because it has come up in the past and people have been banned for it in the past even though it isn't explicitly stated.  If you are in your house shooting cops and they get close to raiding it and you blow it up, the civ loses nothing.  The house is destroyed but everything is restored on restart.  By your logic above blowing up your house to avoid it being searched is fine, if we where to take that seriously you would also permanently lose the house and everything inside it.  This scenario was incidentally also brought up ;D

    So I ask you would you rather RP blow your house up and permanently lose it and everything inside it or is this rule which will likely only come up once in a blue moon a somewhat better alternative?


    ID rather lose it forever than let cops make money from it honestly but if ur looking at it in an RP way if the player is rich the server restart can  be like him paying to get it fixed or maybe a charge to rebuild it can be implemented but u wont retain the things inside it just seems more fair than banning people for realisticly using game mechanics that are already there to blow up ur house no one is exploting or CL in anyway we have satchel charges so it should be used in wat ever way it can in means of RP just my opinion olny reason this rule was made noe beacuse @Doc Got salty that Majestic blew up Cys house The rule was made like if it has been a major problem in the past when it hasent it hardly happens so this rule is p[retty bullshit in my opinion

  4. 12 hours ago, Grandma Gary said:

     Chapter 18: Miscellaneous

    The below rules/guideline are things that do not fit into other areas but still need to be followed.

    1. Y̶o̶u̶ ̶m̶a̶y̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶l̶o̶o̶t̶ ̶o̶r̶ ̶m̶e̶s̶s̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶a̶n̶y̶ ̶c̶r̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶d̶o̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶o̶w̶n̶ ̶u̶n̶l̶e̶s̶s̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶p̶e̶r̶m̶i̶s̶s̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶f̶r̶o̶m̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶o̶w̶n̶e̶r̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶d̶o̶ ̶s̶o̶.̶
    2. Using the scroll-wheel or inventory option on a dead APD member or Civilian to attempt to get their weapon is not allowed.
    3. You may not drive a vehicle into the water to prevent it from being stolen, searched, ect
    4. You may not destroy property to prevent it being searched/raided.
    5. Extreme harassment may result in a ban.
    6. Switching to a different account after getting banned with your main account may result in both accounts being banned and for longer.
    7. If a player goes to the extent of using a game mechanic to prevent other players from playing the game, this can be considered as massive trolling.
    8. Anyone found to be doing nothing but trolling on the server in a severe manner may receive a ban.
    9. The RP window is 5 minutes so abide by this in regards to situations such as shooting, logging out, storing vehicles, ect.
    10. Killing someone in restraints is considered Fail RP.
      1. You cannot restrain someone outside of a redzone and then bring them into a redzone just to kill them. This is also FailRP.
    11. Exploiting is considered as abusing an in-game bug or using a game mechanic in a way that it's not intended to be used.


    Damm ya is something else all beacuse someone used a believable means of RP to stop house from being raided this is bullshit in no shape or form is it exploiting ir against the games mechanics People was just butt hurt cuz they couldnt raid it it hardly happens and it was never a real problem in the past but one Admin gets salty about it and boom rule change SHM

    matter fact @McDili if im not mistaken ur the one that said RP can be taken and go anywhere right so ur sorta contradicting ur self their buddy Just Saying Shouldnt be against the rules to blow up a house so it wouldnt be raided in the Arma world its  realistic and fair why do u have satchel charges for 

  5. 5 hours ago, Viper said:

    What brand kneepads do you use?

    its not kneepading hes a friend that ive known for a long time just saying if u get to know some one then ull see how they really are people are calling him a rat beacuse to them he snaled funds when he left Eridian but He was told to take them from what i was told 

  6. 1 hour ago, communistjosh said:

    Why would we make a rodent our leader

    How is he a rodent he has done so much for the server your just a hater like everyone else hes actually one of the coolest and nicest guys on Olympus Get to know him as a person before u judge him thats the problem with ppl in this community they judge and dont even look at their own faults Dont Be a hypocrite be productive and give a constructive opinion i learned that the hard way less ppl hate me now thats for sure ohh and before u say anything on punctuation IDGAF 

  7. 12 hours ago, Ronin said:

    you know what's fucking annoying?  attempting to read the absolute dog feces you write on the forums.

    Hmmm i think everyone heres knows that and they know i embrace it so it dosent bother me what you have to say i dont even know who u are ohh  and most people here are fluent in Homicide So yea IDGAF

  8. 2 hours ago, Jack Churchill said:

    Ohh okkk my bad Hadi!! 

    to be real he dosent listen does not help his fellow officer hes a straight mong im just being real and its fuking annoying that everytime u say something to him he responds with an attitude and before he mutes in the middle of ur sentence  partner is at the end of it 

  9. 8 hours ago, bdj said:

    same creator of this question believes we have 8 fingers... @falcon

    we do have 8 fingers and 2 thumbs they are there own apendages beacuse they have their own pulse 

    4 hours ago, SPBojo said:

    Cookie = Cookie
    Cake = Cake


    go to hell

    i agree

    3 hours ago, Bow said:

    In the UK we have very passionate arguments surrounding Jaffa Cakes, are they cakes or biscuits?

    Image result for jaffa cakes

    My wife watches Britain Next Great Baker and they made Java Cakes and they are considers biscuits or cookies

  10. 2 hours ago, MAV said:

    @Homicide teach this man some proper english! :Kappa:

    Out of all seriousness though, you don't need to have the handbook on the forums open to cheat, if you took the test and failed (from your first post it seems like you may have) and verbatim wrote the answers of those questions down for the next test that is equally cheating... if you made a cheat sheet for the deputy test, that is cheating... i like to give some the benefit of the doubt when its warranted, but given your sentence structure and apparent general tenuous grasp of the English language, there is NO way you could memorize section, subsections and all the verbatim rules...


    Dont Worry He will be fluent in Homicide Soon enough at least my writing is fucked but you guys can understand it Like in THe Words Of @Mercury "Homicide Im going to teach you how to speak like a white Man."

    3 hours ago, SPBojo said:

    Jesus christ and here i was thinking @Homicide's writing confused me... 

    TBH Honest bro i was thinking the same thing LOL 

  11. 1 minute ago, thor said:

    So it’s ok to be a dick to dog? But we can’t be a dick to you? Doesn’t feel to good when the tables get turned. does it...

    Im not mad i mean Dog is my boy and he knows im joking so yea ur just being a dick cuz ur a Mako dick rider

  12. 1 minute ago, thor said:

    Yes I realise that last comment was direct at Mako, but I’m saying homicide has clear intention to flame Dog about his spelling mistake ...

    Ohh yea i meant to delete the status update sorry 

  13. Thanks i need that book i know i cant spell LOL 

    5 minutes ago, thor said:

    You have posted this on the forums 3x with clear intent to flame him... You are the last person I would expect to attempt to “flame” someone about grammar and spelling. Especially after that last comment. ^ 

    Umm i know i cant spell i embrace it im not banned either by the way its Tyrone and the reason is that @Mako is one of the people all the time that talk shit about my spelling so that was my chance to talk shit to mako about it im just messing around Damm ppl cant take a joke but they can make tons about you LOL funny isnt it 

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