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Everything posted by asdasd123

  1. I keep getting 60 frames but FPS drops to 0 ALOT! Here are my potato specs. Help plz.
  2. Why reply on my post but dont reply when I message you back about the money lol..
  3. drawing gucci when I was 9 and using photoshop since I was 10-11 on a laptop with my cousin and trying hard when I was 12 you whore
  4. I have around 5 years of experience graphics designing/drawing. I will do graphics design for your gang or individuals for in game money. hmu. one thing I did for a ex-gang I will link. --------------------------------- Ex-Gang http://prntscr.com/bi3uyy -------------------------------- -------------------------------- Non Ex-Gang http://prntscr.com/bi3vko http://prntscr.com/bi3vpv For this one my name used to be leak designs (dont cringe) http://prntscr.com/bi3wj4 http://prntscr.com/bi3wu4 (just a logo showcase) That is just some of my stuff.
  5. once I accidently duped my MK18 in my house by somehow it poped up in my inv and the crate but I removed it. Idk how but try to find out so no more duping is a thing
  6. I wish your mom was original, I guess its true old dogs can't learn new tricks
  7. That's almost as much balls your mom takes every night.
  9. no offense but it look like you used a website like cooltext.com and mixed your mums shit in to make that garbage, but that's none of my business
  10. Everyone this day is honoring Prince (RIP) but no one knows about the legend himself, Mahmoud, He is my brother and He hasn't been on Teamspeak for a couple days now so I figured he went missing. I would like to have a Meeting on Olympus with my fellow brothers. Honor him. RIP Mahmoud #RipMahmoud
  11. Yo ozzy I remember you in untouchables <3

  12. Do you think I should go with the Rebel/Guerilla type of look with the Shemag and stuff or more of the tactical look with the Semi-Arid Ghillie? And I might be more of a long ranged sniper ish if i pick the ghillie
  13. So im broke with 30k and I bought a Tempest Device a long time ago and lost the insurance so now i have a tempest device that i can sell for around 225,000$. with only 30k. So should i sell the thing or should I wait until i get money to get insurance on it???
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