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Everything posted by Tedro

  1. u owe me half of what u stole xdlmaoxd falcon shows no shame
  2. AK12 penetration was nerfed and the MK-1 was slightly lowered. I think MK-18 was left alone. A lot have people have been saying that players are tanking head shots which is entirely plausible with the high tier IV helmets such as the enhanced combat helmets and lowered penetration values with the different 7.62 rifles. Bohemia throwing curveballs at servers again. the MK-1 has a higher penetration value than the MK18 though they are definitely most similar.
  3. my edit should be better
  4. Hmm i must just have high functioning autism. im like lvl 32 and I thought I had every weapon. please fund me: www.autismspeaks.org www.tedrospeaks.org
  5. not sure if troll or.... level 30 is lynx. im pretty sure mk 18 is level 9 and mk-1 is level 12
  6. takes like 20 minutes if youre not garbage
  7. Hi, 

    I'm your secret admirer. It's no longer secret.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chaos


      Dude I love you both.

    3. De Fuk

      De Fuk

      dude i love you all :D no homo hhaha


    4. Tedro


      im getting turned on by this

  8. Ares i am in TS right now if you could move me into your channel (if youre on ts). This is regarding the comp you just gave me.

    1. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      It's in your bank automatically.

      You only get comp for YOUR stuff seen in the video you provided. (Opening inventory to see a Mk18 with two nades before Orca explodes for no reason). You won't be comped anything not seen.

      Comp is given for the amount you bought it for (Tier 4 Legacy Donor will get less comp than no tier as Tier 4 Legacy Donor paid less), unless admins are lazy and do stock.

      Hopefully those answered the question regarding comp you had for Ares. =]

    2. BlackJack



      2 hours ago, Lethals Loaded said:

      It's in your bank automatically.

      You only get comp for YOUR stuff seen in the video you provided. (Opening inventory to see a Mk18 with two nades before Orca explodes for no reason). You won't be comped anything not seen.

      Comp is given for the amount you bought it for (Tier 4 Legacy Donor will get less comp than no tier as Tier 4 Legacy Donor paid less), unless admins are lazy and do stock.

      Hopefully those answered the question regarding comp you had for Ares. =]


    3. Tedro


      Just saw this a while later, I talked talked to Ares because the situation of the comp was a bit out of the ordinary. Thanks though.

  9. ty

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Don't know for what but you are welcome :P 

    2. Tedro


      lol the comp for the heli on tanoa that never spawned. 

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup
  10. Thank you for the clear explanation! I appreciate you taking the time to break it down and explain for me.

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