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Posts posted by Gidgit

  1. On 4/8/2018 at 8:41 PM, MrBoonie said:

    I MrB will be reforming as of today moving forward throw all the shade, hate, dislikes banter my way I will no longer be partaking in it along side you. Boonie is going to seize to exsist due to the levels of change you are about to witness moving forward so get ready boys. 

    Here's my last GG REE REE, also to all the people thinking I was leaving and got excited HA. :FeelsBad:

    @Grandma Gary & @McDili

    Honestly thought you were leaving. ended up saying see you back in a week until i read the whole thing

  2. 11 minutes ago, Isaac Newton said:


    "I truly am sorry... I really am sorry... Thank you Olympus... I really am sorry... Thank you and sorry @McDili @PeterLong x10... I really am sorry... I messed up and I am sorry... Please forgive me... I really do appreciate it.... Thank you and Sorry (Please take me back SAPD)"


    In a nut shell yes. But not as pathetic as that sounds haha

  3. 3 minutes ago, ChubbyElf said:

    This man will fix your car problems +1

    haha yes. I like taking my professional experience with that i do everyday for a living and using it to help people here. If anyone ever has car issues or what have you. Feel free to reach out to me and i will be more than happy to help you guys out the best of my ability. I cant stand the bad rep mechanics have now days. So anything i can do to help you guys fix/save money on repairs i would be more than happy to assist with. But please dont leave the questions on this post or creat any posts. Send me a private message. I give advice and recommendations for free. 

  4. I would like to truly thank all of the members of this community who have reach out to me and who have supported me with positive motivations and such. All of the steam messages, forum posts and comments, also the in game conversations. All of which shown me the level of impact i had over the course of my of time on the SAPD and OS roles i played in this community. It was really heart warming to see the level of support i have. I can not possibly thank all of you enough for it all. It goes to show that no matter how much one does not realize. But he/she has all sorts of friends/supports from all walks of life. And to see the amount of people who have reach out to me over the last 2 months of my return to the server is truly astonishing to me. I can not possibly thank all of you guys enough. 

    I would like to also thank the Senior APD members and the OS for dealing with my swarm of messages and taking their time to talk to me. @McDili and @Peter Long I do truly apologize for my actions in the past that led to what is in place today. @McDili i do truly appreciate you lifting the blacklist that you put into place and taking the time to talk to me and allow me to explain myself for my idiotic actions. Also @Peter Long i appreciate you taking the time to listen to me and also allow me to explain myself. I am not going to go into detail on my actions. Some of you know where as most dont. I did some thing royally stupid than got on the servers and did even more stupid things. In the process i broke trust and friendships i had for years. I thank you Peter Long and McDili for allowing me some time to talk to you and explain things to you. I am truly sorry for my actions. Like i mentioned to the both of you when we spoke. It is not the want for my OS position back or my APD position or even access to the APD again. My biggest concern is the friendships i ruined in the process of my stupidity. Yes i would absolutely love both of them positions back. But it is not my main concern. I ruined so many friendships and right now that is the biggest concern to correct. Also to all of the SAPD members who are now considering my acceptance back to the APD. I do thank all of you for taking the time to consider this and for reading my application and any other action that might be done in regards to the situation. Regardless of what ever decision you guys make i do thank you all for the time you all will or have invested into it. I know most of you dont know the situation as well and most of you played under me when i was a LT on the SAPD. It is really nice to see some of who i did have faith and believe in during my role of on SAPD have no achieved the SAPD ranks. I am proud of you guys and keep up the good work. All SAPD members, Thank you in advance for any time you put into considering my acceptance/denial of rejoining the ranks of the APD

    @McDili I can not possibly thank you enough for lifting my blacklist you put into place. It is a small step towards a larger goal and i am overly grateful for it. @Peter Long My dude for them late night calls and voicemails and possibly texts(i dont remember if i sent any) i left while i clearly was heavily under the influence. I am so sorry for them. Despite them I do truly appreciate you taking the time to listen and talk to me. You both have been friends of mine for so many years and we all had great times. I broke both of your trust and ruined the friendships. And for that i am truly sorry for. I know i have said it a few times. But i am truly grateful that you guys gave me the chance to talk to you both and hearing me out. Thank you guys so much

    I understand this post sounds kind of cheesy. I understand that i will more than likely be trolled and possibly catch some heat for it. I am alright with that. I am coming out with a public apology. My actions I did created a ton of problems and pissed a bunch of people off. I made an idiot of myself several times talking to some people on ts. Im sure i created a great laugh at my own expense for a lot of people who sat there and listened to me. I am sorry to everyone for all of that. I am sorry for anyone that got offended or upset/mad for any actions I may have done. I hit some extremely low points over the course of the last 6 months. I have done a lot of stupid things and made even more stupid decisions. I have had so many things happen. I know that is not an excuse for my actions and the way i went about dealing with everything. Nor is it accepting of how i acted and such. But i have come a long way. I have corrected so many things in my life and i am now doing so much better than i was months ago. For everything that was affected by my idiotic actions. I am sorry. I truly am. I also would like to thank each and every person who was there for me and who showed their support in any way they all deemed fit. Thank you everyone. Olympus Community. I truly apologize and thank each and every one of you. Thank every one for taking the time to read this. I do appreciate it. Ill see all of you in game. Lets all have fun. Let me titan you :-)  

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  5. 9 hours ago, Nuski said:


    He should be perm'd. Now I know what I am doing when I get home from work. 


    10 hours ago, I Am Fuzzy said:

    So I have finally decided to get a job and stop siting at a desk eating Cheetos all day. I don't have a lot of expenses so I thought this would be a good opportunity to build an amazing PC before I leave for the Navy. If anyone has any ideas for what to change or thoughts about the build I would love to here it before I purchase these parts.



    i7 6700k - $344 - IMG Link

    CPU Cooler

    NZXT Kraken X61 - $114 - IMG Link


    EVGA GTX 1070 FTW ACX 3.0 - $439 - IMG link


    Asus Z170-A - $149 - IMG Link


    G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 16GB DDR4 - $76 - IMG Link


    WD Blue 1TB - $47 Already Own - IMG Link


    Samsung 850 Evo 250GB - $89 - IMG Link


    Seems like a good build. Personally I like the corsair h100I or the h110I over the nzxt coolers. 

  6. 7 hours ago, Dejay said:

    Your processor has hyper-threading, i5's do not. That is the difference that really matters for Arma. It makes the game think you have more cores and runs faster than with an i5. I had the EXACT set up as him and could barely push out 40 on normal/high with 1.4k render dist. Also a 760 is nothing compared to a 770, (I'm pretty sure) don't quote me or anything but the 770 has 4gb of vram and has a faster clock speed. Sorry to tell you are wrong. However, you're wrong.

    I do understand where you are coming from. And in a perfect situation you would be 100% correct.  But if you actually lay out what his processor is vs what mine is. The Benchmarks are almost the same. Which is why i brought mine up. The differences are hardly noticeable to the average user. The reason i even said anything is because im comparing mine to it because of its age. The performance of my rig from when i build it to now has drastically dropped. Im looking at it in comparrision to what it is right now. Now if mine was a 3770k. I would not have said anything. But sadly it isnt. Mine is just a basic 3770. 

    All im saying is there is so much more to take into consideration. Im not saying that you are wrong and i am right. 

    Yes the 770 is better than the 760. But i went cheap and got 2gb vram. Still better. But nothing to brag about. 

    We are getting off topic. In my opinion there is absolutely no reason why you can not pull them frames with that set up. Ive seen worse set ups run that with ease. 

    • Like 1
  7. 5 hours ago, Dejay said:

    760 and an i5 pushing out 80 frames? Yeah right.. You should be pushing 40 on high with that set up. I have a fucked up hdd but that only causes stuttering. Download afterburner or cpu-z and make sure all your temps and fans are working.

    I have a gtx 770 and a old I7 3770 and I run 80 with no issues. His processor is a lot newer and faster than mine. Absolutely no reason why he can't run 80 frames

    I know you are going to say well you have a I7. Yes true. But my processor I've been using for 5 years or so. Maybe a little less. Then point I'm making is it is old. I have a dinosaur of a set up and I am able to pull great frames with ease. I feel with his set up there is no reason why he can't. I think a fresh copy of windows will do him wonders 

    • Like 1
  8. Everyone knows my PC is not the top of the line. I just did a fresh win 10 install on a ssd. And than I optimized it for gaming. Best decision I've done this far in regards to PC gaming. My frames went from 60 on a fresh restart to about 110 and about peak time from 20-30 to 60-70. Dramatic increase. At night is when I see the lowest drop. That at worst is about 35ish. Needless to say over all I'm happy with it

  9. Fishing for comments never gets you anywhere. This is how you will know you are liked or disliked. If you are liked. People will talk to you. If you are disliked. People will talk shit about you to your face and behind your back. Which happens more to you?

  10. 25 minutes ago, Dustin87 said:

    Decent, its nearly the same as mine. I know that GOAT has 100 down or something, thats the fastest i know of on this server but im sure theres someone with faster.

    I have 200 down. I'll do a speed test and submit it when I get home from work

  11. 38 minutes ago, McDili said:

    I didn't know you mentioned a 750W, I was replying to Benjamin Remer's comment about his power supply. By all means he should get a 970 now regardless we agree on that. But there's no reason not to use EVGA step up when the 1070 comes out this month.

    I do agree

  12. 25 minutes ago, McDili said:

    What is his mobo? I didn't see where he said his mobo was bad or anything. I don't know a whole lot about mobos in general but I had a really cheap mobo that I used with the 980 before I upgraded and it didn't cause my any issues at all. It was like one of the cheapest mobos I could find in that build and it didn't support CPU overclocking. I suppose the age of the mobo could certainly cause an impact but again we don't know what mobo he has.

    I don't mean to come off in a bad way I just don't see how he's wasting his money based on the info he gave us.

    He has a 600W power supply which is more than enough. 750W power supply is a waste of money for a 970/1070 unless you wanted to run them in SLI.

    its not really price on the mobo. im not sure what he has. but the cpu he has is a older cpu. so i am assuming the mobo is a older mobo also. like i said. my mobo is my bottle neck. it can not handle what my card can do.

    The only reason why i said he would be wasting money with the 1070 is because if he does have a older mobo. it will bottle neck the card preventing the card from preforming the way it was designed. He would not be getting his moneys worth. Which is why for his current build he has now i think the 970 is a better route until he decides to do a mobo and cpu upgrade. 

    i only mentioned the 750 because i found a hell of a good deal on it. 50 bucks for a 750m. you cant beat that. i mean it is a reman. but it has a lifetime warrenty on it

  13. 1 hour ago, McDili said:

    A 1070 will undoubtedly do better than the 970 regardless of the mobo/cpu.  He has a 600W power supply which is more than enough to run a 1070.


    pHunter, most people think your CPU is this crazy bottleneck that you have to overclock. Your GPU actually does most of the legwork in most applications and you will get more out of the GPU than anything. Your CPU might bottleneck you in ArmA regardless of what GPU you get (770, 970, 1070 doesn't matter) but it's fine for pretty much every other game and a 1070 will see much better performance than the 970. It is certainly not a waste of money. Do what Poseidon said, get the 970 and step up to 1070

    I Didnt mean in the aspect of the cpu. i ment more along the lines of the mobo. my mobo is my bottle neck. thats whats keeping me from running at peak performance. i only said that because if might be the only thing that would give him a issue depending on how old his mobo is. if it is infact to old. he wouldnt get his moneys worth. as silly as it sounds i can not run my gpu at its full potential because of my mobo. thats why i have to dumb it down

    the 1070 is a fantastic card. dont get me wrong. i would love to have one or two of them. my only concern would be like i said what mobo is he using and can it support the 1070 to its full potential

  14. 2 minutes ago, Benjamin Remer said:

    Of course, just be sure that your power supply is atleast over 400 watts. But just in case I would get a new motherboard as well (depending on the one you already have)

    well he wouldnt really need a new mobo unless he plans to upgrade his cpu. 400 watts should be enough for a 970. i dont remember. if not. power supplies are cheap enough now that it doesnt matter. i have a corsair mx750 sitting in a box i bought reman for 50 bucks. you can find good deals on them if need be. but with a 400 if thats what he has. that should be plenty to run a stock card on factory settings. if he chooses to oc. he might want something bigger

  15. Just now, Bubbaloo Burrito said:

    If that is the price for a 970 he might as well wait to get the 1070 since it runes about $70 more. Even though he won't make full use of it he will be future proofing for a better setup down the road. 

    the problem with that is cpu and motherboard. thats why i said what i said earlier. i have a video card on a outdated mobo with a outdated cpu. the 1070 would be best pairded with a skylake cpu or something of the sort. for what he is running now. it would be a complete waste of money. that and he would never fully utilize the 1070. that card is also more demanding on power than what he is using now. which reminds me. what size is your power source hunter

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