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    2. Nightingale


      @Proud wow your pre teen ears really must not have fully developed nor your eyes. you fucking brain dead retard show me when we’ve ever had more than two zafirs during any of our events. also t4, t5 vests and csats are BARELY used by any of the people besides maybe 3. do you not realize your corporals have t3s which are the same as 90% of our vests, sgts get t4 and lieutenants get t5 ? both sgts and lieutenants get mar 10s which literally ONE TAP anyone provided the retard using it can actually hit a shot which they never do? If you guys actually learned pushes you could stop abusing the fuck out of po lethals. also when the fuck have we ever had 6 ifrits or anything? most we’ve had is 3 when we’re rolling 20 deep and you guys have 10 cops on because you refuse to hop on and fight since you’re tired of getting shit on daily


      @MAV we literally milked Chris for 4 minutes during the first fed today, it’s not about the weapon they have it’s about if they’re retarded or not, and in chris’s case he happens to be retarded just like all the other people who’ve been milked

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