2. if they dispatch that they willingly want to fight you then sure, go back
4. its not about the cops that want to lethal or not, its the cartel fighters that dont want to deal with being tased and processed for 30 minutes after a raid, making them play less, thus reducing server population. why ruin fights on the server just for some money? you still get payouts for lethals and its not bad at all, + it takes way less time for everyone involved, increasing the amounts of fights.
6. the second anyone sees any armored vehicle on cap, its engaged. i've done it, you've done it, everyone has. it's stupid that cops can go hot on ifrits and shit on cap especially because its the only way to really push without qillins (i know they're being added but for the time being). also everyone knows that if you get out of your ifrit and there's roaches on, you're most likely getting tapped as soon as you're out, you stay in and you get piped. its stupid when someones pushing in an ifrit, they get engaged and they become useless because they HAVE to get out or get shot and once they get out they get roached. also shooting kids out ifrits, pitting, or even spiking them isnt hard at all.
8. -one of the main things about playing cop or medic is having enough money to be able to fund your shit there, i've heard it multiple times but cant find where it is exactly. anyways, reducing the income of cops isnt going to do shit. they're still going to be making a fuck ton of money and losing N O N E. the cops NEED a money sink besides being robbed and a few vehicles. if you dont want deputies to pay for their loadouts everytime, then dont. but POs + NEED some way to lose money. I have never lost more than a few 100k on cop, and ive made 30mil alone in a week and a half. thats stupid. you just replied to this earlier:
Boomer xD : "Nerf cop income, it's broken. "
Nerdy: "+1 I've said this ever since it was passed in a civ council roundtable, it needs to happen."
and it's wrong. the cops don't need their income nerfed. they need somewhere to spend their income, because once again, currently there's nothing for them to spend it on and THAT single handedly is what ruined the economy. cops paying for loadouts, even if its 25k for a PO loadout, will make people play smarter, which will generally result in the cops winning fights either way if they play like they have brains and not holding w full sprinting at someone shooting at them looking to get a trade kill.
11. the bolt cut to the actual pill hut door shouldnt even be a thing. it makes no sense, the pillhut should be where you plant the charge so yes, remove the bolt cutting for that.