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Everything posted by mur

  1. To many updates, corrupt APD!
  2. Gang life is dead, I want fights, can someone unban regicide?
  3. can you remodel gang life for everyone else?
  5. mur

    Need help

    For sure I'll take the free money, I'm new and I need it
  6. mur

    Need help

    Maybe 800k
  7. mur

    Need help

    Who r u rando, this is only 4 CURRENT admins hehe xd got eem
  8. Hey I donated a lot to the server the past few months, and I was wondering if I could get some money wired to my account? @Ignis @Peter Long @McDili @TheCmdrRex
  9. does anyone wanna join my guild? ill make sure to give you a master spellbook

  10. mur

    Thermal NVGs

    trial in temper?
  11. FUCK I NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT!11!!1! I don't even think we have that many tbh
  12. kinda hard when 3 of them got caught for ban eveading..
  13. Quite honestly, that would be a good idea
  14. Gang life on Olympus is clearly dying. Anyone has ideas to bring gang life back?
  15. since ur here, check out this gr8 streamer! https://www.twitch.tv/theninjaa3 #ClickBait #Baited #GetMemed
  16. when you actually like the "themeless" forums 

  17. The APD can now tac respawn if their is an active Blackwater Robbery. Just wondering if anyone thought this was a good update for the APD.
  18. 100k for both?
  19. FUCK , I hate it when people ruin RP like that. We should get that Cpl Sgt removed! @Dominick Ramos
  20. 50k
  21. Is that the same RPG from Evolved?
  22. mur

    Server 3?

    Please make it Altis
  23. 4 dollars PayPal?
  24. kappa kappa 123 xd dab dab dab dab
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