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About bluesnipar

  • Birthday March 10

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  1. As if people didn't already hate cops enough. This will be quite entertaining
  2. bluesnipar


    <html> <head><title>whatthefuckisthis</head></title> <p>Idontunderstandthislanguage</p> </html>
  3. I had a father-son moment with Peter the other night as we played baseball in kavala with a Titan launcher. It was beautiful.
  4. You almost feel like you're samurai jack tryina fight off never ending zombie waves
  5. From my experience as an administrator on Garry's mod for 3-4 years, I've accustomed myself to an idea- -Moderators and myself will not hesitate to ban if sufficient evidence showing rule breaking is shown. We can easily pick up on who's actually breaking rules and who's borderline pushing their limits. Obviously if you've been banned, you've done something that's provided staff with enough initiative to ban you. Here at olympus, maybe you should consider the fact that you're not the only one that's gone through this situation. I'm sure there have been dozens of players that have gotten themselves banned for minor infractions and then lose their ability to apply for whitelisted services. This affects both your reputation and any future applicants that encounter this same issue... I can only assume that the way the staff has done things here has worked well for them enough so they do not have to change anything. The rules are so simple to follow, regardless of how many damn commandments they have pasted onto the forums. Besides, getting banned and then deciding to apply for a service don't seem to tie well. Be a good boy and show the staff some initiative to change your behavior or whatever you did that got you banned c:
  6. 1) Most difficult gang you've fought? 2) Who should we blame for this parking job? https://imgur.com/a/fFBGe 3) How do you feel about vigilantes?
  7. 3 people is a perfect amount to do a small illegal run. Myself and some others have tried to choose the best times to do cocaine/heroine/weed which are usually -when no big gangs are online -when no cops are online -when gangs/cops are busy with terror/fed/major issues in cities -when you have a shitload of friendly gang members on -when you just don't care and drive 5 boxer trucks into illegals otherwise man, you probably got unlucky. I can almost guarantee that there won't always be people camping processing/dealers, but if there are, make smart and quick choices and don't wait for gangs to roll up in prowlers or jump out of choppers, no, you haul ass outta there. We timed a few of our runs, and on average, 3 of us in 30 minutes using 2 boxer trucks and a hatchback, made us just shy of 1 million. (This is of course, without any ambushes)
  8. Exactly, and God forbid any Vigis show up in Sofia while any major gangs are online, because that's how you die. Honestly, it helps equalize the shit that goes down in major cities. Last night or the night before(can't remember) for example, MC had 6-9 people in kavala and they were just screwing around and engaging every civilian they found. A few friends and myself decided to get Vigi gear and screw with them until APD finally showed up.
  9. Looking at a realistic standpoint, you need to understand that no matter how much you argue with them about it, there will always be players that don't know the rules, don't care about the rules, and players that bend the rules and break rp because they don't care. Coming from experience, I've been rdm'd countless times, and I get sick of it after a while. I joined R & R hoping I wouldn't get it as bad as I would as a civ, but it's the same crap. If it's one thing I've noticed about administration though, it's that they have a simple system here: record, submit, resolve. Often time it's difficult to try to convince moderators and admins to ban someone because of an active Rdm incident because in the end, they need to see proof, and I know they do believe and feel bad for everyone that complains about Rdm, but that's just the way it is. I'm an administrator of a Garry's mod community, I have been for 3 years, and it's the same crap there, record, report, resolve. If I'm unable to enter a game to fix an issue , I can sure as hell add a remote ban from the forums if a report is submitted. It's just like @G.O.A.T. said, they can't just sit there and watch as much as you'd like them to. And hell, if that doesn't work, you can sure as hell RP your way into handling an rdm'er via APD/TPD requests, or you can take it into your own hands if you know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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