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Posts posted by Bloodmoon

  1. Are you allowed to blow a vehicle up that is parked inside the fed with an rpg? For example, there is a truck inside bomb dome which is obviously going to be used to transport the gold, can you blow it up in order to prevent them from transporting the gold since that would technically not be blowing it up for no reason?

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  2. 1 hour ago, sploding said:

    Absolute power corrupts absolutely. 

    Within the APD there are no checks and balances, no internal affairs or sense of accountability. Corps and Sr become friends and you get to a point where unless a large fuckup happens publicly there is no accountability. So as people rise and get more power they become worse.

    Every time myself or someone brings this up it just gets downvoted into oblivion by senior and senior hopefuls but it seems as if no one has brought up a coherent argument that can prove otherwise with evidence past feelings and anecdotes. I believe the APD is corrupt AF and sadly the corp rank has also been infected. My main issue isn't that it's just that no one refuses to aknowledge there is an issue or even try to fix it, the current system makes everyone with new ideas, ambition and a want for change to drop until everyone at the top had already been broken down or never cared in the first place.


    Also while there of course are exceptions generally speaking the people who are willing to pour 1000+ hours into a video game faction don't usually have much else going on and can become a little too obsessed.

    I am ready for the waves of downvotes by the legions of kneepad warriors, at this point I dont care and I've already made peace with never becoming a corp or senior, I already got a chance to lead troops IRL and don't care if I get to do it in some videogame.

    @king lee

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