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Olympus Plus
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Everything posted by K1LL4

  1. eh this is cap ryan wont even unban our irl friend he told him to submit and go thru getting unbanned the proper way even tho we are all friends
  2. K1LL4


    what about him xd
  3. #UnbanShamless//Ryan<333333333
  4. K1LL4


    i did
  5. K1LL4


  6. none there all gone
  7. +1 my guy
  8. i mean the only rp i have seen on olympus is corn liquor thats it for a long time and it would be sick if we could go to war with people like asylum base
  9. can we make a donation goal to allow symbols into the server for gang tags I think everyone will donate
  10. yeah ig it would be
  11. yeah its not bad i use my mouse tho
  12. my brother @Lucifer has this one https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001CXYMFS?tag=top10bestpro-20 he is a +1 pilot
  13. K1LL4


    LOL was never in detectives im a freind of detectives lol AND IV BEEN ON THE SERVER WAY LONGER THAN U BBY
  14. K1LL4


    xD is there a chance that if zoomzoom,bucki and i are in the same gang that we could blow olympus up with toxic hmmmmmmmmmm
  15. +1 rep #We always brothers


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