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Everything posted by Rugg

  1. I wish I had groups to make a lot of money with
  2. I've got a simple question: Who are you?
  3. Rugg

    more cops

    That my friend, Is a very good point. Its monday I didn't even notice.
  4. Rugg

    more cops

    Is 14. Nah. There were like >2 most of the day
  5. I... Was literally suggestion that he robs me to sooth his bitching about my low quality posts?
  6. I think the tanoa hype has died down, Though there should be more houses (I don't even have apex though I assume by this post there aren't many houses avialable).
  7. Then just follow me around in a heli and rob me like all the other clans?
  8. Really noone cares
  9. " Here's the deal, I do things for one reason and one reason only, attention. "
  10. Please check my signature for further information.
  11. I said i was considering it but there are no other good altis life servers
  12. pls get more cops :|
  13. It happens.
  14. Count down from 5 extremely fast and get shot before you even know what's happening
  15. Rugg

    Solo players

    He's trying to take my spot as the guy who complains about everything
  16. This server is great, absolutely, and it must have taken a long time to make, can anyone estimate how many man hours were put into creating this server as it is right now?
  17. Rugg

    Solo players

    It's a battle between me and Strafe
  18. Lets just be honest if you are bad at shooting and are a solo player you don't belong in olympus' culture of getting robbed all the time I don't belong.
  19. Rugg

    Why play?

  20. Rugg

    Why play?

    Donors get 4k
  21. Rugg

    Why play?

    Unless they are really that scummy***
  22. Rugg

    Why play?

    30 minutes you get like 10k...
  23. Rugg

    Why play?

    Hey, I'm the one to make posts requesting pity. You aren't allowed to do this. Also, A. Don't play if you can't handle it. B. Don't do illegal stuff to minimize chances of getting robbed & increase chances of getting rdm'ed (for sending comp requests and player reports simply for the satisfaction in getting people banned) C. Stop stealing my attention whore spotlight asking there is no role play isn't real & say you are leaving the server when it was never inn your intentions to do so.
  24. Also, you totally stole my cringe worthy attempt for attention. remember this?
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