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Everything posted by DeathDingo

  1. The people of Olympus want Poseidon to be on the Podcast...
  2. Keep up the good work guys, the podcasts have been great so far!! It would be good to split them up I rekon, maybe Jendrak, Hades, or Poseidon would join a Podcast soon!! I think everyone would like to hear from Poseidon on a lot of the topics you guys bring up, so why not get him on!!
  3. Welcome m8
  4. I think it would be more "realistic" without "tilda", but the cops be able to scan vehicles to see who the owner of the vehicle is instead of who is driving. Its so far fetched in an RP server to have such an OP thing to make it so easy for people to see across the map in general areas from anywhere else on the map. But if I was a cop, well I would see it more your way Im sure
  5. I would like to see the tilda taken out. Simply because without tilda, everyone would have to be close enough to at least use their voice to RP, instead of sitting somewhere at a safe distance getting a tilda and then sending a txt. Yes, it will make the Cops work a lot harder, but really its too easy with the tilda. Without the tilda, well it might help balance the economy a little as well, because the cops won't have it so easy to collect millions in bounties I just think it would help people RP with their voice instead of the cell phone text. And you couldn't just fly around and send texts to people on the ground saying "hands up or die or whatever", you would actually have to work to do things instead of having an unrealistic "tilda" do pretty much all the work for you. Take Tilda out and people wont be able to earn money as easy as it is now. Its way too easy to earn money running anything in this game. People used to say the same about the radar, but without it these same people like it now. #BanTilda
  6. I just got DCS about 2 weeks ago. I will be getting into that very soon!! It looks good!
  7. Well I hope I get to play with you sometime or maybe fly with you Papa as I like flying myself. I like War Thunder a lot mate if you ever play that. Simulator battles are fun!!
  8. Drive Hard, Fly Safe, and Shoot Straight!!!!

  9. ...there is a lot of APD "impersonators" that keep bothering me, so then I have to shoot at them :( fair dinkum!!

  10. I have always had fun with encounters with BurBan, they always seem to play by the rules and are fun to go against in firefights lol.
  11. Happy New Year Papamunski all the best for 2015 mate!!
  12. Papa you are more than welcome to tag along with TrippinDingo anytime mate!! DeathTrippeR, Max Rockatansky, Philthy, and me if we see you, we will message or if you see us, message us.
  13. Merry Christmas...I hope you all have great Holidays where ever you are in the world!!

    1. Chronorpheus


      Muurrrry Christmas dingo!

  14. I will be giving away a "Suicide Vest" in-game in a few hours when I get on...might give out rooks and last man standing wins it :) Merry Christmas Eve ho ho ho...

  15. Just gave what I could mate. You and your family will be in my prayers. B. Tyler
  16. FREE Apples, just ask for one!!

    1. Chronorpheus


      i want. all the apples

  17. bloody dingo's stole me lunch again today!!

    1. zero the kitten

      zero the kitten

      i shall use my translating skills to speak australian

      that mate bloody mate sucks mate kangaroo kangaroo mate

    2. DeathDingo


      pretty good m8 haha

    3. zero the kitten

      zero the kitten

      i am know labeled as australian... m8

  18. My Ping is never below 200....most of the time its around 250-300. But I am in Paradise aka Australia.
  19. If Im in Cities, I get 8-12 fps. And if I get in a firefight in a City, well its not good...I will shoot and by the time it shoots in-game...Im dead most of the time lol. I need a new CPU as I have 120 GB SSD, 1 TB Hard drive with 4 GB RAM and a gtx 750ti GPU. With extra cooling, but my weak point is my Duel Core AMD CPU and I will be adding more RAM. Hopefully these improvements make it so I can firefight without freeze-ups.
  20. are those apples falling from the sky?!

  21. Classic move Doctor, Classic!!
  22. Happy Thanksgiving to all...

  23. It's been showing people and vehicles just like when I play single player missions. Not good for combat I know that lol. I noticed I am showing players up to 500-600 meters away lmao
  24. I remember the good old days of gaming where I actually had to practice doing things in-game, unlike flying at the moment lol.
  25. I like listening to Dream Theater while flying sometimes.
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