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Everything posted by IsaiahGG

  1. thats why you were trying to convince me not to leave? and how the gang i left you for was going to die out in a few weeks?
  2. ? lmao no i didnt. OHHH you and the other kid are in dankpods, this makes sense. you guys are actually brain dead and upset i left ;(
  3. https://gyazo.com/2627232d7623fe21d8b1b5e835104c92 120 Meters away from square
  4. ? if youre in the game i can show you where it is
  5. hey i was connecting when you said that, i feel special
  6. where did you find a picture of me in the 8th grade hitting the nae nae?
  7. yessa massa he is
  8. after watching a shit ton of gay midget porn, hentai with little men that have ears, and trying to download betting scripts and pull downs of all kinds, i finally got malware on my gaming laptop. luckily i got a good massa i know named @ Rexo and he told me if i can pick the rest of his cotten on the cottin plantaytun then he’ll help me on fixing my computer. he did more then fix my computer, he optimized it perfectly. now i never have to pick cottun again until my computer acts up. if you guys ever need help with your computer then hit this man up!
  9. PM me with offers
  10. thank you, it could be a lot worse. thankfully it isn’t
  11. REPOSTED: To everyone who sent me prayers truly thank you. I am in the USMC and i was doing a joint training operation with the US ARMY ranger special forces unit and it was just a bad accident. no one other then me was hurt and it was not combat related. it’s just a dumb accident and bad place bad timing. but thank you for all your prayers seriously i’m lucky to be here. i was put on a life machine for over 24 hours because of this injury. anyways may you all have a blessed day and stay safe.
  12. To everyone who sent me prayers truly thank you. I am in the USMC and i was doing a joint training operation with the US ARMY ranger special forces unit and it was just a bad accident. no one other then me was hurt and it was not combat related. it’s just a dumb accident and bad place bad timing. but thank you for all your prayers seriously i’m lucky to be here. i was put on a life machine for over 24 hours because of this injury. anyways may you all have a blessed day and stay safe.
  13. It is like a house addon. execpt it holds 100 virtual also. along with physical ^
  14. House is litearrly inside of the redzone. Perfect for robbing and or roaching. drop prices below
  15. I am a minority, why do I care about the majority.
  16. You should not remove betting. This is a form of entertainment and if you think about removing it I recommend you do a official poll on weather it should be removed or not. You already have the chance to disable betting, and if they get rich by sitting in KAV what affect does it have on you besides the fact you cry and say you cant find people at red zones. Yes it is disappointing but there is other red zones to check. NOT EVERYONE BETS. I feel as if the majority of players already don't bet as it is.
  17. You should be able to buy drugs from Drug DEALER.
  18. KaVaLa RoLePLaY ZoNe
  19. What is your favorite car company of the 1990's?
  20. had to correct myself
  21. Random, but real shit right?
  22. whats the uh for?
  23. No one in this world can make you happy or sad.. for example, if you ram your toe in the wall, many emotions can come out of this.. you may be laughing and call yourself stupid bc the wall was there in front of your face yet you didnt see it and then carry on with your day.. or you may get sad and upset bc it really hurt your toe.. but at the end of the day, you control your own emotions and outlook on every action / scenario in life <3.. on some fr fr real life shit.
  24. I am a lightskin bobs and vegene magnet. But on some real shit.. My ancestors a long time ago beat my ancestors.. a fellow lightskin bro of mine shared that with me and it makes me think.. Didnt all of our ancestors beat our ancestors? or did your ancestors beat your ancestors.. Just my two cents
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