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Olympus Entertainment - The Conclusion of 2024 - $4000+ Giveaway & Holiday Sales/Price Match! ×


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About cornet

  • Birthday 07/19/2000

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  1. they're ass at other games so they're stuck on an arma 3 server for pvp joined 2020
  2. my bad. did he get banned too?
  3. crystalline skies show saturn's waning∼

    1. Lucky luciano

      Lucky luciano

      still smoking meth i thought you said you where going to quit

    2. cornet


      i havent logged i fear 😕 

    3. cornet


      they got my ass in jail for smth i didnt do ! 

  4. if you didn't ban the entire population for bullshit, those donos would get you a better pc. my rust runs at 150 fps no stutters :pp
  5. cornet

    DP5 4c

  6. that looks so good
  7. https://gyazo.com/8d651c978d73fe943baf60d2dcffedd2
  8. https://gyazo.com/b202422686fc58648e18d91765d9f48b friend owns the other half of the houses. let's start at a small 100m
  9. a fan club
  10. 1. When PTS (Permission To Speak) is active, do not speak unless you ask for permission.
  11. thanks for sending me your bookmarked video
  12. asking who i am on my own post, you're absolutely delusional. wtf does noble even have to do with anything. you respond to any post regarding prism and you're a fan bringing up shit that none of the current members are even aware of. tf is "moonshine scraps" ?
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