Great choice! R&R is a great choice make sure u read ur handbook and don't try to wing the test like me the first time because it's pretty hard. Windows key to revive BTW nobody told me that for the first couple of hours on medic.
I'll never be one then lmao one more removal and I'm blacklisted
I just wanna get constable or corporal and play my heart out because I know I won't get above that
Here's a lesson men(gays don't count), if you ever talk to a girl in a game you will get banned for harassment it's a life lesson you gotta learn guys. Just got a fatty 14 day on league of legends for "harassment" and the chat logs only showed me calling her a "gril". also rip my rank I just got plat.
Also like this post if u like vaginas.
doing E=MC squared plus the quadratic formula of grandma gary's DNA and the derivative and a whole bunch of complicated shit I have determinted that grandma gary is my dad
So ARK tries to shoot me right after saying "hands up or die" and then I fuck em up and get killed by the last one because I accidentally healed in the open.
Coverfire op