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seth last won the day on February 2

seth had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About seth

APD Officer
Olympus Plus
  • Birthday July 14

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Criminal (2/7)



  1. just a chill guy who wants a new ghawk from the giveaway, love u ryan
  2. caloom literally shot me in my head irl for breaking nlr
  3. let me pull armor for all 9 cops for a 5 man fed while were getting AT'd then log out and tell them to still push and use the armor

    is this server fucking retarded?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lucien


      @ Xlax  didn’t do anything wrong, infact he should have pulled a hawk for them as well

    3. Benne
    4. seth


      @ silton  you abandoned your men, left us to rot and die

  4. ill take 6
  5. 7m for both. Large, Abandonded (nonupgraded) Big, Abandonded (nonupgraded) like 3600 max storage combined or some shit fully upgraded
  6. chatgpt cooked with this one.
  7. bump, 5 mil
  8. Non upgraded, max 2100 storage 8 mil (send offers)
  9. seth

    Selling Meth House

    ill do 4
  10. 2C, non upgrade 5 Mil, or make offers.
  11. i may or may not have a I_MRAP_03_hmg_F
  12. we are sorry for our sins almighty sov
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