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Hydro last won the day on May 24 2018

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  1. 24
  2. 26
  3. Hydro


    Apology accepted
  4. Hydro


    fast forward to 04:40 .. nerdy you are calling me a mong, live on twitch as an apd.. im kinda hurt
  5. Hydro


    ok dad
  6. Hydro


    i had a ruby tag and he had some troll COCK | tag it last for 5 minutes? so if i killed them 2:30 minutes after they handcuffed him we are still engaged then?
  7. Hello Is this situation a rdm situation?? Alright we have 2 people.. we both in the same gang, he is driving a truck box. im flying an orca. He gets sirened on by the apd, my teammate jumps out next to the car, he kills one of them and get downed by the other one. im landing like 2 minutes after the situation between my teammate and the apd. 2 minutes after my friend got handcuffed, notice that the cops just standing there they dont start processing him or start moving him or even searching his vehicle. looking at some other tempest trucks and another orca. i start shooting them. i gave 1 warning shoot in my friends box truck, then i killed them both. the guy is also calling me a fucking mong in the report i should report him for harassment. the big Q... IS THIS RDM!?
  8. how much for the 2 crater?
  9. Server 3 would be dope.. and then add difebs.. OUF!! AND MAKE A SUMMER GANG WARS!! **ORGASM**
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