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Everything posted by Jesse

  1. You mean nice for ramming and tanking every caliber.
  2. TL;DR: When I get to it or when someone starts going to work on my behalf.
  3. I mean I can confidently say csat uniforms. Which? tbd.
  4. Think about the future my nigguh. May be things you want later on too You have a lot. I'd consider at least keeping a bit for a rainy day.
  5. My headsets 10/10 @Poseidon can confirm.
  6. What makes you assume that? Because the picture I have has just some random shit I threw in for testing purposes? Like you really think a sting is going in there?
  7. Trust me I'm not rushed. My work life comes first. The two birthdays I have going on this week come first. A lot of things come first before my hobby.
  8. Yes, this is simply due to the server and the dead guys pc basically opening up 3 "threads", essentially running 3 versions of the same script to process those 3 kills. So depending on how quickly it could run those scripts to keep up it would display an "outdated" output or mathematically wrong statement to you. However the actual numbers in the DB were correct. This has been shown/proven a few times now to people in their complaining status updates. Hence why it was removed on August 10th... so I'm assuming you haven't been playing much since it no longer even outputs how many points you have. Since the script was running an additional two queries to the database to get just simply your total and at the end of the day was more hassle then it was worth. Here's how a single war kill gets processed: The dead guy dies Dead guy fetches killers primary, secondary, sidearm, vest, uniform, position Dead guy fetches his own of the above ^ Dead guy processes a "gear score" for both of those above. Dead guy passes scores to the server Server verifies data to all be there Server ensures no negatives Server calculates the kill distance and applies bonus Server verifies that the player wasn't killed by the same killer in last 15 minutes Server adds the player uids to an array to verify on next kill Server then sends 7 pieces of data to the database to be processed by a stored procedure that does the adding/subtracting WHILE #10 is occurring the server broadcasts messages to the killer/dead about how many points they got A log of the kill is sent to the log file(s) Yes, when in the shop it'll pop a hint window up displaying how many points you have to spend as well as after each purchase it tells you how many you have left. Probably going to change it to display up in the red header or something. Gotta remove dollar signs as well.
  9. Please stop the dick comparing and keep the post on topic.... Also, if anyone is aware of something that they think is not functioning properly now is the time to share that information. The current way awards you based on how both players are geared as well as adding in a distance bonus. You can only get awarded every 15 minutes for the same player. To prevent people from farming revive kills.
  10. Care to elaborate on what isn't working properly?
  11. Eventually. The problem is that vehicles get spawned at ground level. Have to modify the script to have exceptions similar to the hospital essentially.
  12. I put them in last night. Added textures and such. Just need the required ranks from APD and R&R to finish it. Also, the texture is in an EBO but already got a template anyways.
  13. Can always switch to legacy branch in meantime if you want to downgrade. Not worth the 8gb imo. Poseidon should be updating them soonish.
  14. I mean... the last one was met within like 10 days... it was just as quick really. All of the donation goals for the last like 6 months have been reached easily before mid-month. I know you want to think the server is dead and shit but it's really not...
  15. The last one that only had WPL stuff and KoS OS was because of what? lol....
  16. Understandable. Like I said, may be worth trying to talk to someone who can change that. I have an opinion on the matter but I'll keep it to myself.
  17. Pretty sure this is exactly what @McDili and I were talking about... At least myself for sure. I won't speak for him.
  18. And that's a choice they have. If you're permed you have a few options: Wait patiently and be respectful and admit your wrong doing and give some insight to your situation(s) Wait patiently while ban evading (potentially going to fuck yourself over at some point) Flat out ban evade several times (waste money but constantly can play) You have to determine what's suitable for you. I don't necessarily disagree with any of them.
  19. I'd suggest taking your dissatisfaction with the method that appeals are currently handled and maybe send a PM or something to Gary. Taking the time to make a thought out and constructive message without pointing out specific people. You might surprised by what you can achieve.
  20. I know. I'm aware of both perspectives. However, if you're looking to get unbanned. Don't you think following the server rules in place for ban evasion are the best option to potentially get yourself unbanned?
  21. It's the same concept... the logic isn't there... You're saying that developers should be perfect and just magically notice a flaw if no one reports it. It's impossible to "test" every scenario. If I made something like chopshop, trust me I wouldn't sit there testing every vehicle's chop value. Know why? Because it'd waste probably an hour or two. If you're okay with one feature a month or something that's cool then.
  22. It's a quote of Phizx that was a hidden post. Says:
  23. I didn't specifically say these guys or Phizx? I'm just saying in general. There's others though who do get annoying I'm sure as you can imagine. Also, if he's not ban evading actively or has ban evaded since being banned. If he were to make a well constructed ban appeal maybe he'd have a chance. Idk, I'm not an admin. However, I do believe in second chances and remain hopeful for people. However, if you specifically want to speak for phizx, he didn't exactly do a small exploit or something...
  24. The funny thing... Dili & I were talking about this the other day... I had made a comment how that if people actually served out some of their perm ban by taking actual time off the server and not ban evading or being annoying every week and shit that they'd probably stand a good chance to get unbanned if they made a decent statement, etc. However, everyone seems to go about it all poorly.
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