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Everything posted by Ron

  1. The next episode of Game of thrones is gonna be n u t t y

  2. Thank fuck this retard is gone.
  3. you guys complain about cops raiding warzone now? You should have been their when me and @Dominick Ramos were around.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DABESTeva


      Yea I was its still aids

    3. I’m NormaL

      I’m NormaL

      Hey Bud Hope Your Having A Wonderful Thanksgiving Today With The Fam :)

    4. Jwilly


      The most cancer arma 3 had ever seen right there

  4. I can't even join Malden its so full

  5. Ron


  6. I agree with this post. I tried so hard in gang wars but I couldn't carry sapd hard enough, when @OutCast suicide's with 4 people in his ifrit there is not much you can do. xd
  7. Grats to @Mako for graduating Lap dog school

  8. 3.5m
  9. @Corporal_Moob I have never talked to you in my life, why you talking shit?
  10. bump
  11. Nice 2 posts mongoloid
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