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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. This ain’t his money Olympus is sponsoring ya ape he’s an event coordinator
  2. Post has been updated with the correct prize pool smh I forgot to update it when I looked over the details lol
  3. It’s supposed to be a small little event for people to enjoy. Prizes were blown out of proportion and probably should be smaller. We thought of this event a while ago and never updated the details as of recent. Anyone that hops on to troll instead of actually participate will face an event disruption ban, which can lead to a perm based off ban history, and a perm ban from all future events.
  4. S3 will open up late today, will keep yall posted 😛

  5. I blame @Peter Long

    1. Page


      u have no legs

    2. DeadPool


      I might be the so called Pumpkin man, but you sir are the shekel man.


    3. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      Bahahahha. I told you monkey. 


  6. We are aware there's an update, however we have heard that it broke a lot of arma servers. So before pushing the update we are testing everything to make sure it all works. Chill.

  7. @Panda :) Awful at cod kid 




    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      nah dog My brain 6th gen yours 5th

    3. Ryan


      Your a gen behind kid

    4. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      Your small brain still doesn't understand 🤦🏿‍♂️ one day you will learn

  8. You act like there’s a good chick fil a on the island
  9. The wrong answer = a perm
  10. You ape I was talking about @TayK
  11. ^ also those days we boosted your ego a little too much and turned you into a re re, which got you permed more then once mistakes have been made
  12. Ryan

    yo you're too easy to carry on COD Mobile

  13. Hello ladies, So as you know we got a bunch of stuff coming out and I want to make sure they are up and running as well as working smoothly before we fully release something. As you can imagine, testing things on a dev server with 2-3 people as opposed to a full server environment gives us different results and getting feedback for a bunch of ideas/changes outside of a meeting is impossible without making constant posts. We also want to give civilian life an extra form of direct communication with Olympus (however its not intended for spamming and asking about bans/reports). So, we created a discord (yes I know another one) that people can join to get the opportunity to see and test things first. Unfortunately we are only opening this discord to Gang Leaders for now, could be gang rank 4+. This does not mean we will keep it this way, we just want to test this out and see how it goes. What to expect from this discord: Announcements for potential events we plan on hosting (Ex Cartel Events) Feedback and suggestions to be posted on there before its posted on the forums Opportunity to test things such as gang wars early to make sure its functional before the actual event Ability to communicate with other gangs, see if anyone else is available for fights on cap Eh, if I dont see you guys shit talk each other ill be disappointed Establish a better communication with staff/development Some more stuff I probably forgot to put here Essentially this is a quicker feedback system for us, and gives gangs the opportunity to help us out. To clarify the first bullet, this does not mean we wont announce things on the forums, it essentially means if we have an idea will see how people feel about it in that discord if need be. To be invited into this discord you can either PM me or submit a general inquiry. Thanks
  14. @Viper Welcome back qt 🙂 

    I expect more Best of Olympus now


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. JuanDeaged


      Yay welcome back can’t wait for the plane to rape me 

      ahhh ha ha

    3. Xeltini


      I see who's your favorite friend 

    4. Viper


      Thanks everyone, check my recent status update 😉


  15. Him and Zahzi have taken the reigns last month I got faith in these boys
  16. Main only got corporal for his events change my mind :kappa:

    grats bud @Main

    1. NokiaStrong
    2. Main


      @Ryan Who approved the prize pools 10 mins before the event... :kappa: Thanks man

    3. Elements


      i agree, bad server

  17. o7 buddy, thanks for everything you have done so far on Olympus. Also appreciate you sticking around until you felt the other boys were ready to be on their own. Don’t be a stranger
  18. Glad we turned this nice post into a roast session. If any of you want to read the suggestion you can, locking this before shit gets more out of hand. @an overweight giant retard’s comment could of been portrayed in more the one way, some saw it as offensive, some took it as a serious Suggestion, while others thought it was a joke. However you want to see it is up to you, but the beef ain’t happening in here.
  19. That ain’t an admin that’s a senior admin, and even then they decided to start slowing down on using that cause it’s gay
  20. They get corporal with a Mk-1 pretty much
  21. Forum drama is fun and all but how we about to not talk about Spider-Man being put back into the MCU

  22. Would you guys prefer a week notice, 2 week notice or a month notice for gang wars date? Trying to determine a set date but would like to see where people are available. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. swrvy


       if you make it october 12th ill blow up the server

    3. ItsGG


      would be nice to know a month in advance for those who work

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