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Posts posted by Ryan

  1. 1 hour ago, Bear828 said:

    [None of this is official, I'm simply creating my take on the brand!]

    Hey everyone! I'm currently coming up with concepts and sketches of a new Olympus Entertainment logo in my own style of design and thinking. I'm a newer member here, so I would imagine some of you may have already thought of stuff like this, so I'd love to hear them! I'll PM my current progress of the design to anyone that is actually interested in seeing what I'm up to haha.

    Even though I can’t make the decision to actually rebrand, I’m still curious to see what you got going. HMU

  2. o7 Buddy. There was some ups and downs, but at the end of the day you will always be the person that shares the same name and birthday as me :wub: 

    Nah but in all seriousness, thanks for giving me a second chance to get to corporal. Before you went AFK everytime I needed you for something you were there. Enjoy life.

  3. What the fuck, first Dili and Jesse now you? Genghis you were always one of the real ones, you never took anyone’s shit. Apply that shit irl and you will get further then just the powerball my friend. o7 my guy, hope to still see you around from time to time. 

    P.S. sorry for banning you the other day :( 

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