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Posts posted by Ryan

  1. 11 hours ago, Silton said:

    Im talking recording is fucked for people with shit PCs. I didn't record for years to maximise fps. Past few gang wars they have just used the olympus mission file with all the shit on it. I talking like a high performance server like in 2016 with the gang war UI and what not


    11 hours ago, Masoooooooooon said:

    Last gang wars had it's own mission file from what I remember pretty sure

    ^ This, gang wars had a new mission file for the last 2

  2. 24 minutes ago, Slav said:

    Quality content. I mean, it’s only natural. Just gotta survive until Arma 4. But imagine the community will have the most members it ever has had when Arma 4 drops and an Olympus server starts up. If Bohemia interactive shows any inkling of intelligences, which I imagine they have, Arma 4 will perform better than Arma 3, improve upon the existing content, and greatly support the modding/Arma players that enjoy developing their own missions/servers.

    Based off hearsay from insiders, Arma 4 will be using DayZ's "Enfusion" engine. Aka it wont even be 100% sqf coding like Arma 3 is.

    • Like 1
  3. 21 hours ago, DropDeadHero83 said:

    You do be in a pandemic with the most cases tho, so like who tf gonna be doing there jobs...

    21 hours ago, Monks said:

    Almost all companies are still working now. A couple of weeks ago they were all shut down in full lockdown and the server was poppin. 

    Mainly this ^ Arma is a dying game but summer is usually our peak times. Regardless, all the Atlis Life servers took a hit this season, not just Olympus. With this pandemic, our summer pop came a bit earlier then anticipated, and when time came to go outside people started to prefer that over video games (understandably)


    20 hours ago, DropDeadHero83 said:

    Just because its "light rp" doesn't excuse the toxicity of a community...

    No one either implied that all servers are perfect... your saying essentially go onto another game because you assume the rp is better just because its a different game? Some servers are just logically better with their rules than Olympus... that's a fact, no matter how light the rp may be.

    Compared to other servers, I seem to believe our rule set is the easiest and probably most straight forward. Guess its personal opinion though.


    16 hours ago, Slav said:

    Arma 3 is a dying game in itself. Only about like 15k users are on at any given time. Then everyone of that 15k is divided into different communities from KOTH and milsim to roleplay servers.

    Everyone is just waiting for the next game to come out. Which I imagine will be somewhat shortly since Arma is Bohemia’s biggest game lineup. I heard that they are building a new engine called Enfusion and I can say confidently that Arma 4 will be the most popular Arma game to date. The engine they are making will certainly outperform the Arma 3 engine, and we have already seen snippets of it in Dayz Standalone.

    I don’t like Dayz Standalone compared to the mod. However, no one can deny that it runs significantly better than Arma 3 in terms of performance. The performance of Dayz and the future improvements to gameplay from Arma 3 will push Arma 4 into a new light.

    16 hours ago, xplayx14 said:

    ofc everyone is hyped for oly to be a rp server on arma 4 but it's gonna be a long time before arma 4 comes out 

    Arma 4 for Olympus will happen. We actually started brainstorming ideas for how we want to develop this server.


    16 hours ago, Lou said:

    Fuck you nerdy

    yeah fuck @ThatNerdyGuy

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  4. Although I have always wanted to update the HUD, this one aint it chief 😞 

    It feels too cluttered, takes up a lot of the screen. Stuff like the donor level I feel like we can just include within the Y menu if its really necessary. A good HUD has a clean fresh look, with as little as possible on the screen.

    3 minutes ago, TheCmdrRex said:

    What makes a good UI for games now days is minimalism. 

    If your gonna attempt to redo it, you are going to want to de-clutter what is currently implemented in-game. 

    I’m talking smaller/thinner progress bars, the ability to toggle the hud via an action key, and introducing more innovative ideas to handle text messaging (or messages in general) as well as confirmed kills and stuff. The last thing people wish for is more information on their screen when they can press a button and see it anyways. Especially when this information is not imperative to know 24/7.

    TLDR this^

    • Like 6
  5. o7 Buddy. You know my thoughts on you stepping down on snap. Enjoy life brother, you are always someone that had my back and were a real one with me. Ill never forget it. You got my snap if anything ❤️

    Looking forward to another drunk stream 🙂 

    Olympus lost 2 great staff today


    3 minutes ago, Millennium said:

    Jeez the staff team taking a hit tonight

    o7 man

    At the end of the day, im glad its cause they are moving on to the next part of their life 🙂 

    • Like 5
  6. Just now, Skateezy said:

    Do you think it would be a shit idea to combine and comp normal gear in cash and rare gear in well, rare gear?

    Just an idea - not defending either side - fully accepting to a "that's a shit idea" lmao.

    Currently I think its not a good idea to jump to conclusions with just a week of statistics. To reference Asylum once again, it took them months of analyzing their pop before pulling the plug. We did it as well with server 3. TLDR -1

    • Like 1
  7. 30 minutes ago, Skateezy said:

    I am not defending the guys complaint about being able to pull cars from RedZones because it's frankly stupid and that change is a simple QoL change, although I will say there are tens and tens of servers with near max-pop.

    Asylum keeps up with max pop in near all prime-hours of the day and they get taken off nearly every other hour.

    I don't think the server population has too much to do with -just- cops but a plethora of issues we'll slowly resolve.

    Of course Arma 3 being old enough to go to Elementary School takes a toll on population but I wouldn't blame current populations -entirely- on Arma 3 being old.


    16 minutes ago, m o n s t e r said:

    They're are still people who actively play the game so asylum filling up 1 server at peak times isn't that surprising, im simply looking at the fact that asylum had 4 servers that would regularly fill up, and olympus had 3 that would also fill up, which would show pretty clear that the game is dying, since asylum is down to 1 server and olympus is down to 2 (don't know if s3 will make a return this summer so im gonna stick with 2 for now)

    1. Yes Arma 3 is a dying game

    2. Asylum has 1 server, so naturally during peak times all their playerbase goes there. If we had 1 server we would be having the same results.

    3. Quarantine in most places got lifted, so people are going outside for once. Plus certain schools are still running for another week or so. I know my state still got schools running. Id give it a week, maybe 2 tops till our pop goes back to normal. People will get tired of going outside and again come back. Summer is our peak in playerbase every year, no reason it would be any different this year.

    • Like 1
  8. 7 hours ago, PJ. said:


    @SPBojo Simps in monopoly 🤭

    Just in monopoly? 🤡

    7 hours ago, PJ. said:


    @Ryan Hope the server doesn't go to shit, it's been through some tough stuff but it pulls out in the end, hope it prospers. Also I'm glad to be your honorary tank gunner any other time 😝

    Twas an honor having you gun down the poor hopeless souls that got restrained just to meet my tank. o7 Buddy dont be a stranger 🙂 

    • Pepega 1
  9. On 6/7/2020 at 2:53 AM, Strafe said:

    How is it making shit up just because you never heard about it? Sorry irrelevant people and people nobody likes are kept out of the loop.

    Also you may want to look up what a pathological liar is. Maybe you should ask the staff about it lol. Im not throwing anyone under the bus because im not a snitch but i know without a doubt in mind that you lied on your app retard so try again zzzzzzzz.

    Whoever told you @Panda :) lied about his app needs a fat ass spanking


    On 6/7/2020 at 12:21 PM, Jerrod said:

    so you're just admitting to taking an L? and show some fuckin screenshots to prove that LOL don't believe that for a sec you spent the entire year sucking senior staffs dick

    I think during his time as a moderator ive seen panda argue against everyone more then some of the addicts on this game put in hours into the server. As admin its even worse. Hes far from dick sucking IMO. As for the other thing, aint any of my business so I aint gonna comment 😛 


    Side note, this shit talking post is weak. Expected better from you guys smh.

    • Like 4
    • Sad 1
  10. 1 minute ago, Billeh said:

    It still shows on the top 50 richest? I thought if it was deleted in the database then it would disappear. Also how would his appeal get passed he litterally offered money to another player in game for a sheckle

    Exactly, so moneys gone 😄 

  11. Just now, Billeh said:

    Can you record you wiping him in the database and post it on the forms for us monkeys to laugh at :kappa:

    The deed is already done unfortunately. However if his appeal gets passed then he will get it back.

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