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About KrispyK

  • Birthday 04/09/1999

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  1. what would yall think about cops not being allowed to go into fed/bw to
    check for civs before the robbery has a chance to start?


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. KrispyK


      its almost like its a game and i would like to make t enjoyable for everyone

      civs knew cops would come to pharmas and would taze them there! same logic but you stopped that

    3. -dante-


      I see things from both sides. Being sAPD it makes it hard for people to see that, but youd be surprised how many civ things Im more for vs the APD side of the arguments. Im a huge advocate of stack prevention. This idea though, I just think makes 0 sense and shouldnt even be a topic. The APD shouldnt be disallowed from checking federal events to try to prevent it. 

    4. Linka
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