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About KrispyK

  • Birthday 04/09/1999

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  1. Aaaaand now kavala houses are actually useless.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Think about this from the APD point of view.  Corporals+ would rarely answer the call to break down a door in Kavala which left the cops in Kavala assailing what was pretty much an impenetrable fortress.

      I know it is gonna suck that you can't sit in a house till  PO has to pull an SDAR to give you a free pardon anymore =(

    3. KrispyK


      i am thinking of this from an APD point of view. I ONLY play cop and medic. the only time i go on civ is to shoot helis down in warzone

      it was balanced before and forced corps to come into cities now they have no reason to actually leave redzones

    4. Vcx


      Yeah pretty stupid 

      Cops already can break windows down to get inside not that hard, literally people who like to scat can't now just buffing And every day makes it more fun totally 

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