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Posts posted by KrispyK

  1. 7 hours ago, indian said:

    I can go further into debt after I’m done eating but cops aren’t OP on that server, they don’t make half the money olympus cops do. Interactions with cops on that server have actually been fun for me because they’re all mature and none of them robocop or try to buff themselves against civs. I talked to a LT and SGT and they all have gear that POs wear on olympus, they are against buffs for APD and their goals are to enhance the gameplay for civs rather than completely fuck them over and seek revenge such as what 2 lieutenants did to me a couple months ago on olympus. They camped my house with all of the gear I had won for over 5 months in [ - ] with RPGs and other rare gear that actually meant a lot to me. Hawk told me that they sat there for around 2-3 hours just to steal everything that our gang had in our homes. When I lost all my possessions on this server, I was so close to quitting and going to another server with most of the other old [ - ] guys. If that same event happened now and [ - ] was still a thing, Olympus would have lost another major gang to Asylum.

    So you want cops to make no money, be forced to rp, and have worse load outs? What exactly do cops get out of this

    Unpopular opinion

    Olympus should report all ddosers to the police

  2. 43 minutes ago, Evann said:

    you are ruining this shit post

    was never good to begin with

    5 minutes ago, Ryan said:

    You are actually an absolute retard if you think this post is fucking funny. 

    rnr blacklist incoming? he may not want to help jewish people

    17 minutes ago, J O E said:

    So I take it you think Muslims are smart for wanting to kill everyone who doesn't believe the same as them 

    Christians do the same shit lmao

  3. 2 hours ago, mon5t3r said:

    No one will know my alts @notmon5t3r:) @mon5t3risgay @mon5t3risnotgay will be downvoting Krispyk

    arnt you that dumb ass vigi i told to fuck off?

    33 minutes ago, Dante said:

    Yeah when it happened to snare it was some gay shit. That’s why I don’t mass downvote people myself. But I have all faith that your ass would no life it dw. 

    hes been going at me for 3 weeks, he aint joking. i had 300 rep lol

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