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Everything posted by Fuzz^

  1. Fuzz^

    WTB G hawk

    ill sell mine 45
  2. Fuzz^


    Id give you whatever you have invested into the atm house in pyrgos
  3. this
  4. Why no pay outs if its completely detached from arma?
  5. Right click image > copy image adress > insert media from link
  6. jumped literally the length of 1 sandbag @ Dante get it together bub
  7. You know what they say man women have the whole world in between their legs. I just litwerally think that no one has checked her down there yet.
  8. Waste Managed.
  9. "the aegis kid" is also senior swat, and a corporal, who should be held to a higher standard no? or do you only ban people when it favors you and your gang?
  10. lol im not banned i just don't think certain people deserve special treatment.
  11. except aegis and tp
  12. the simple solution to this is figure out how much they made and take it. if they have less than what they made wipe the account. if not let them keep what is legit. obviously it will be hard to determine what is legit and what isn't, but as long as the money is recovered it shouldn't matter. if one person doesn't deserve a perm then neither does anyone else.
  14. oh don't get him started on the first scrap update he pushed. that's how i got 101k sold salvage
  15. are these numbers including the aegis members that weren't banned or no
  16. Another great Mako update!!!
  17. winters sweating rn
  18. +1 we should be able to vote staff off the island
  19. I never accused him of anything. Im just saying from my experience that sounds like him. Even from antis side of the story nothing sounded like admin abuse other than the fact that if he was going to do an event he should've announced it like normal just makes it look bias to only run an event for your gang and whoever they're fighting.
  20. I never accused him of anything. Im just saying from my experience that sounds like him. Even from antis side of the story nothing sounded like admin abuse other than the fact that if he was going to do an event he should've announced it like normal just makes it look bias to only run an event for your gang and whoever they're fighting.
  21. lol now this i can believe. if xlax gets caught doing something he is going to gaslight you into thinking you're crazy i've seen it first hand.
  22. so that's where you keep the bombs
  23. Fuzz^


    cmr tasers, mx tasers, mxm taser, all armored clothing, 6.5 and 7.62 sups, and envg all listed on black market
  24. yea. the casino was put into the server to take money out of that tells you anything.
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