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About MrRonSwanson

  • Birthday 06/03/1996

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  • Location
    The maple syrup sucking north.

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Never really spoke to your or met you, but from what I have heard you were a pretty fly woman. You deserve an award... =
  2. I think this is the first time since joining olympus I have not seen deadpool here.


  3. Why don't we just agree that superior leadership qualities in a person are a very strong point for promotions. From what I have seen, that is the only reason I see necessary. Yes you can know people, yes you can be staff, but that won't help you be a better Senior APD; only true experience can do that. (And a lot of it too.)
  4. So, need some help. I have 16gb of installed ram, however when I am watching only youtube... task manager is at 66% usage. Highest thing is chrome at 156mb usage...

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      The only way you have 2 7700k's is with a server motherboard. And those two won't work with it.

    3. MrRonSwanson


      idkf shit about computers. Dual quad core 7700.

    4. JSTN


      download more

  5. Started new job... in the first 2 days I already know 100 different things about oil and water based paint. 


  6. how are you now?


    Good n' you?


    Not so bad.

  7. how did you even get infinite ghost hawks anyways
  8. What is it when a cauliflower and a red hot chili pepper have sex...



  9. If any users are part of forums powered by vbulletin, change your passwords. There was 942 thousand accounts hacked. Mine was one
  10. Its not allowed at all. It is against bohemias TOS. Admins can't do anything about it because no one tells them they are selling/buying.
  11. Yes, I understand what you are saying; but perhaps if you showed a bit more decorum in your words, the person would not feel so obligated to flame in return.
  12. 12/10 SALT. But seriously, you can have your opinions. but 'Autistic Fuck' and 'Lame Cunt' really don't show maturity well.
  13. didn't exploit, but I traded some csgo skins to abbot for 5 mil. is my account now -5 million @Jesse
  14. the best support is moral support.
  15. Congrats Olympus staff to the great work! cracking down on people who can't play the game the way it should be played. @Peter Long @McDili @Jesse @Serpico @Grandma Gary @Ignis @Mercury
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