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Posts posted by N7Zero

  1. On 7/5/2024 at 12:06 AM, silton said:


    I've maxxed out the stats page I started playing in 2016 and 99% sure I have the most bans on the server.

    I can vouch for one ban.. This MF got both of us perm'd..

    • Love 1
  2. write a poem and u should be unbanned.. depending on how good it is, worked for me.

    its me N7,
    do you remember?
    the guy who sold money,
    and was banned by a staff member,

    i may have sold to Silton,
    how little i know,
    i now regret it ,
    but look at this dough,

    over the months i've learnt my mistake,
    i'm a new man and I've taken my break,
    please unban me for my friends sake,
    here i am with responsibilities i must take.



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  3. 9 minutes ago, Skateezy said:


    Look at the dates when Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat respectively came out and compare them to the Anxiety Rates and Suicide Rates.


    im sure thats partly due to a lot of users living vicariously through others post which leads to depression n anxiety (pretty sure it was scientifically proven but take my word with a grain of salt)

    11 minutes ago, Skateezy said:

    I can guarantee you that you are a bad individual in real life if you are also online.

    also pretty sure people who get harrased/bullied IRL cant take out their anger on perpetrator therefore they take it online as an escape mechanism. but ur right with that 1

    Good Times Create Weak Men. Weak Men Create Bad Times. Bad Times ... this image is very true in life. and think with political correctness has soften people up for sure. 

    STILLYEP | Know Your Meme

  4. unpopular opinion and not throwing shade on reckful or anyone going through the same shit but lets be honest.. the internet is a double edge sword.. if u cant handle it then dont use it.. 

    some people have no moral compass and there is nothing u can do about it. expect this shit to happen.

    besides, next time someone insults u personally just remember they themselves are very insecure hence them bringing others down with them. FAKT











    just turn off ur PC :4head:


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