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Everything posted by N7Zero

  1. I can vouch for one ban.. This MF got both of us perm'd..
  2. You missed out the goat @ Zahzi . This man was a player back in college. A new girl every day of the week
  3. image.thumb.png.19a6842dd73600053cb46617be4125a0.png

    lets see how many rules i can break before i get banned. 

    @ Zahzi fuck you cunt. along with all the other sad fucking cops who religiously play this game in 2022.

    1. Lion


      upgrade the wifi bro

  4. eat my ass @ Zahzi u troglodyte headass.

  5. yall are some big sad hours making ARMA 3 montages in 2021.. idk whats worse grinding hours on cop or taking your time making montages ahahaha 

    1. silton


      Imagine being asian

    2. Linka


      bro you played this game just the same, the fact you are on forums trying to talk shit to people who enjoy a game is fan behavior 

  6. so which retard plays this game religiously?

  7. N7Zero


    what the fuck is that whale.
  8. yall are some sad niggas maining cop in 2021 AHAHAAHA

  9. the day sandman redeployed 21 cops to s1 kav hq in under 3mins
  10. making money on oly was ez but asylum strife was the best thing that happened to my paypal acc.
  11. BT have been taking huge load of bandwitdth due to the new consoles coming out + new games, not sure if it corrolates to this but could be a reason.

    1. Montez
    2. Kamikaze


      I been bumping this for MONTHS the whole thug melodies album slaps

  13. politics aside.. i thought this crackhead was in prison.. 7124a790cf3f2138ab77983cd4f9528d.png

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      No he goes up their alley

    3. darn fool
    4. Billeh


      woah woah woah there better be careful, wouldnt be the first time he tried to sue over someone talking shit to him on the forums

  14. i was enjoying my RDM on s1 but hacker gotta ruin it image.jpeg.ff49afd6ea3cdfc47fb21b485f7894ff.jpeg

  15. straight facts noble wont even step a foot in kavala with us pulling up like
  16. bring back shift + 7
  17. atleast @Dante isnt sgt+ that fucker camped my meth house hours on end in his shitty faggot plane looking for any movement in abdera like some trex dinosaur.. and worst part was he RAIDED THE WRONG HOUSE pepelaugh
  18. write a poem and u should be unbanned.. depending on how good it is, worked for me. its me N7, do you remember? the guy who sold money, and was banned by a staff member, i may have sold to Silton, how little i know, i now regret it , but look at this dough, over the months i've learnt my mistake, i'm a new man and I've taken my break, please unban me for my friends sake, here i am with responsibilities i must take.
  19. only ZOOMERS agree to this idea. change my mind.
  20. what happened to bernie sanders?
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