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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Edward1

  1. Edward1

    LT Uniform

    I’m reporting you for using that slur also I offer 301,000
  2. o7 and what he said ^^^
  3. Sorry about that, winner posted tommorow.
  4. i liek ur edithing skils strikke
  5. c o r r u p t i o n
  6. 989
  7. Please don’t plagiarize thanks.
  8. Lmao wishing luck
  9. oof
  10. If I hit 30 likes the raffle goes up to 3 million.
  11. A million is a decent amount, trying to give to those who don’t make money so easily or are new to the server. I’ll do this every week. The rules are as follows: 1. Guess a number from 1-100 and post it below. Do not duplicate. 2. Like this post so I see how many participate 3. This coming THURSDAY (March 15th) I’ll post a minute long shadow play of me choosing the random number on random number generator. Closest to the winning number gets the 1,000,000 GL HF
  12. 1 virgin goat
  13. #latenightsalavation
  14. Get ur cop tags on forum loser
  15. ew
  16. Hands up or die; they shan’t cry; For they have no mic; With there mighty rook; i am shook; boom goes the muzzle; my throat guzzles all my attempts to yell “RULE BREAK” make my heart head and back ache. rdm, you stupid bellend. compensate or you’ll evaporate. thanks leave a like if you rdm or get rdmed
  17. aye og gidgit
  18. pure pure memes, lovely video. very memey. 9/9
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