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Everything posted by Majed

  1. Is it true that money make you rich?

  2. can we buy more than 1 gang shed in 1 server?

    1. DABESTeva
    2. Majed


      can we buy a gang shed on another server?

    3. DABESTeva


      Yes u can have 1 gang shed per server

  3. Sorry i put "HMU" by accideint the price for the house is 2 mill pm if you want 2 buy it
  4. if you are serious about buying the house then pm me http://prntscr.com/gdhaf9 HMU
  5. i have perm keys to my friend house he got perm banned like a month ago, i was wondering will the house be for sale after 2 months? 


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Majed


      11 minutes ago, Sweeterman said:

      u a cheapp nigga tho

      atleast i dont spawn money like you

      i work hard for it 

      oooh kill em

    3. User_0000


      fam , these server gettin u nowwhere lmaooo


      and ur a cheap snake rather kill my self 

    4. Fedot
  6. can we engage diffrent languages?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Augustus
    3. User_0000


      Agol kol zag bas 

    4. Majed


      29 minutes ago, Emad said:

      Agol kol zag bas 

      z3lte 7bebte?

  7. this old theme looks like asylum

    am i in the right website?

    1. Fedot


      Asylum used the default Theme. So, therefore, This IPB theme looks like an IPB Theme

  8. crusing down the street with my tempest device
  9. how do you make a status update,

    oh shit i think this is it

  10. for 6 mill http://prntscr.com/g49bla
  11. http://prntscr.com/g49bla for 6 mill
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