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  1. Jerrod is a convicted ddoser, and has been banned since Oct. 29. I believe that shutting one's internet in order to win a fight in Arma 3 is quite drastic, and I condemn Jerrod's actions. Several people have recently been unbanned, and many think Jerrod's ban should be lifted. However, a general warning to the Olympus community about Jerrod is that he is still an avid ddoser. I strongly advise the Olympus staff to keep this ban in effect due to the very likely repercussions that would occur from unbanning Jerrod.

  2. Il sell it for a mil
  3. off the thread if ur not buying it
  4. https://gyazo.com/36c3147888d377564c06121260c812df Its 2 crater Looking for offers Im on hurry with selling this house

    1. vedalkenn


      are you going to say the n word on stream again?


    2. Burrows


      1 hour ago, Vedalkenn said:

      are you going to say the n word on stream again?


      the what word, say it pussy.

  6. sold.
  7. Right now I got a guy buying it for 8mil. if anyone offers more then yeah
  8. would prolly sell it for 8
  9. more.
  10. https://gyazo.com/663e494e6b02f5f50a69df6d3e29f437
  11. Dp23 4 crater Looking for offers
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