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Everything posted by ItsRaineMF

  1. Never made my montage ya retard
  2. lol I yelled at you and told everyone not to break rules yet somehow i've caught 2 bans in one week by @Ryan
  3. @Ryan being a nice guy for the holidays 100% he either got pussy or a Lambo someone wanna make bets? gg Ryan +1

  4. The hatchback sport for cops elite and the suv are those for ranked officers or just for P.O
  5. Give me the Shitter tags or a Streamer tag on the website i need a little appreciation 

    1. monster
    2. Ryan


      Vigi’s only get purged, nothing more :P 

  6. More followers on my twitch
  7. Woah i pull fritz can't play that with me i pulled 7 fritz today lost 2
  8. all that money yet you don't pull fritz
  9. Fights would be better if tree retards didn't crawl up too cap judt to get popped when they have millions of cash for fritz
  10. Kid I brought you too arma 3 from fucking dayz standalone remember that community I recruited you too and you were my little bitch in it hehexd
  11. Man these boys are good be some good leaders when they grow up hopefully they be fraggin like their father https://imgur.com/a/eJIpDNl
  12. See you guys aren't noticeing TI isn't in this the gang is dead they are irrelevant amd yet everyone keeps bringing them up I posted these Gangs because I wanted to know everyones opinions on these gangs as of november -december
  13. Again TI isn't Relevant to this time since they have been inactive the last few weeks.
  14. Reason I didn't include TI is because I haven't seen more then 5 on in the past 2 weeks. This post is only Relevant for gangs that have been showing themselves recently.
  15. https://gyazo.com/75d9e27e2f50d5a66bdb943181e6629c
  16. unfair for you if you have less members you can roach and move without getting spotted easily so yeah your are right its unfair for you
  17. havent seen 5+ members on in ti in ages
  18. Just curious to see peoples opinions on the best gangs atm
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