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Wong the Wong

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Everything posted by Wong the Wong

  1. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/863983481897174112/F142FFDD1EB8F2076767AB825539A0F467B8A8FD/ Holds 2 crates perfect for moonshine or rebel re gearing.Offers below but a minimal of 2.7 mill
  2. @Panera aye ma dud.Here with da best house ever
  3. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/863983651932685639/20494202808BDE3ED96241B030BB036ACB0CDD2B/ a house literary in the center or coca field Holds up to 700 capasity asking for 1 mill lowest
  4. a good tip is to turn off v sync.Made a tremendous impact on my game ever since.Setting things like shadows to low also helps.
  5. better than ASYLUM
  6. @Shiv1 Im kavala square
  7. @Shiv1 I accept your offer.I am in game currently,what server will u be
  8. @Shiv1 How much for PO7
  9. To have crates you gotta be a level 1 donator.
  10. 100-190K for 1 csat fatigue
  11. RUNNER? can someone share some light,who the guy is lel?
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