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Legacy VIP
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Everything posted by Charels

  1. Any offers, will be middle maned by staff or support.
  2. 3 years later
  3. Papi gets the 100 mil , papi pods battle eye not responding disconnected.
  4. I’ll do a 45 mil bet
  5. Who cares
  6. Add a designated spot on the map like a processor type of thing for betting, add some slot machines and some 21 and you good to go. Would love to see Olympus add a casino in game need to make some more money
  7. ayy thats my old diamond house how dare you take it
  8. @Nightingale
  9. Last time I applied it got denied because I got banned for “error no unit message” why would I re apply to just get denied again because of a server bug.
  10. I’ll give you 2 mil for the 4 crater
  11. Most id do for that tiny ass house is 1.5 mil. its not a 4 crater. not wroth 6 mil sorry
  12. Abdera Meth house. https://gyazo.com/814fdb79756634a3cef07f14c7fbbf0f Kavala meme shack https://gyazo.com/5319b42adc88ba79897ba00b8fe84b09 Dp 9 coke/plat house https://gyazo.com/1cea2e891e3883b6b445c08577e695c0 kav rebel/warzone house https://gyazo.com/ed75371891b021967bb9c14560911848 PM me offers.
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  13. Please explain how someone can lose 100 mil betting without winning anything. someone please explain this betting script you have in the game because there's no way its 50/50. Shit ill make a betting script that is actually a 50/50 if yous want.
  14. 10 mil for the AT, 3.5 mil for the quillin, 2 mil for the dms, 5 mil for both prowlers.
  15. I’m down with that
  16. What if there was a casino where you can play some slots, and a little 21. So many
  17. Charels


  18. We will be holding a meeting sometime shortly keep on stand by.
  19. Keep em comin we need at least 10 people to get the session started.
  20. If anyone has a 5 mil betting addiction please comment below, you might be able to seek help. I offer a weekly intervention where you can discuss your addiction with other gamblers and find a better pathway in life. We offer many services to beat your addiction join now!
  21. Charels


    Lol you’ve been in this website for 20 days. @hawk @Eggman remove this post, thanks.
  22. Charels


    Did I ever say lazy? Not at all, just goes to show how toxic yous are.
  23. Charels


    @hawk go ahead and remove this post homie, got toxic to quick.
  24. Charels


    Please explain when I ever stated yous are lazy? You got the wrong charles homie, who’s UNSC?
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