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Thermal Who stole my name

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  1. @rapidaax damnnnn you didn't like ares?
  2. o7 @Ares You will be missed, love you my eu rat <3
  3. Don't ban me please senior I didn't mean to call you those names </3 <3
  4. Happy birthday to my favorite tree shitter @Tyronee and @Ares is a shitter for making my name this. REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  5. message me on the forums selling 2 of em tryna get rid of em. hit me up
  6. @MoistTowlette scammed me on medic, we went in on the lottery and agreed we'd comp ticket cost if someone won n all. I bought 5 tickets n he never gave me my 250k back.
  7. add me on disc, shitter#8657
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