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Senior Civilian Council
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Everything posted by monster

  1. maybe make it max of 2km, but at 2km it takes maybe 8-10secs (number can be changed) but as you get farther, it takes more time
  2. meet me on eden editors ill sell for 40mil
  3. dont pick the hatchback, take the SUV all the way, and just remember to check oil pro
  4. and hay when it gets impounded the guy who Takes my car to the impound lot will Repair it and throw it in my garage for free! dont have to waste 500 on a repair kit and 1000 dollars to pull it out of my garage!
  5. ah just the barrel of the mar10 and take the wheels and the hood off the hunter and ill make it look like the hunters in apd, maybe it wont get seized to quickly till they realize the mechanic is taking a lunch break from that hunter
  6. can i buy 0.5 of a mar10? and 0.69 of a hunter?
  7. ill buy 1 6.5 mag when i find my unperm and wallet
  8. 1000 warpoints for a ghosthawk and 500 for an unarmed y-32 Xian
  9. orca runs of meth from what i remember where the best, it was like 460k i think per cause 26 in the trunk of a non upgraded orca, and 20 in your berg backpack, and a type 115 no redgull needed, itll take like 10-15 mins for 500k. but i havnt been on olympus for 4-5 months so idk if they changed that.
  10. its a grey area i would honestly initiate and then shoot out tires just in case.
  12. dont make it blue, i might mistake them for a pig, make it pink so i mistake them for an e-girl and dont want to shoot them ohhhhh and maybe make players with 500+hours have a orange nametag, and players with 1k+ have a purple nametag to show more experienced players.
  13. they start with 24k not enough for a gun liscense
  14. rip https://www.steadyhealth.com/topics/when-i-masturbate-i-get-really-bad-headaches my life is a meme
  15. Good quesion the best answer i have for you is #GoogleForCivRep another life altering question...... do you think i will ever be unpermed?
  16. ive been permed too long D:
  17. mk1 tazer worth like 1.2 mil bud xd
  18. still neck yourself and no
  19. dab on that irl shit and come back b
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