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About MedicalCheeze

  • Birthday 08/01/2001

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    MedicalCheeze #2935

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  1. Communism doesn't work.  Fascism doesn't work.  Anarchy doesn't work.  Antifa is a joke, and so is the alt-right.  

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KrispyK


      to be fair, capitalism doesnt work either, id rather not talk politics on the forums.

    3. MedicalCheeze


      "Capitalism doesn't work either" Well shit, what has the US been for the last 240 years?  I've never heard of a communist country last THAT long.  The longest a Communist country has lasted is so far 70ish years, and it's doing really bad, and is converting towards capitalism and is doing much better. (China)  

    4. Marty


      China is not a communist country, they have a party which is trying (or claims to try) to build a path to communism. A truly communist society has not yet been achieved in modern history, and it likely won't be, so I would agree that communism most likely does not work as it goes against human nature. Capitalism on the other hand does technically work, but it does not work equally for everyone. Social democracy (as opposed to democratic socialism) tries to take aspects of socialism while still maintaining capitalism in an effort to allow more people to enjoy the fruits of capitalism. Most countries, including the united states, have embraced some form of social democracy. Some countries have gone further, some have done less, but everyone is trying to find the right balance for their society. To sum up my contribution to this out-of-place conversation, I agree that the extreme version of any ideology, both left-wing and right-wing, cannot work. But not everyone agrees what qualifies as extreme. 

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