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Everything posted by xELITExMODAx

  1. On player report 41906 you said that "no rules were broken", however there was a broken rule. even if you could make out what they said which I cannot(sounds like whistling), they clearly did not wait 5 seconds before killing us. "When engaging role-play, you must give the player time to react (at least 5 seconds) do not immediately fire on the player." I dont even care if he gets banned anymore, can you please at least give me compensation for my chopper's Full Coverage insurance? Compensation Request: https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/41910/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bow


      Submit a comp request not a status update.

    3. iPopsicle


      I'll look at it again. But submit a comp request like Bow said 

    4. Savage


      Yea i feel we shuld riot against @Ignis he is the WORST admin known to man and he should actually neck himself cause his mom have very big gay

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